
3 day weddings are the best!!! First day to get to know the other guests and get into the spirit, second day for the PARTY!!! and third day for daydrinking / regaling tales / figuring out if you want to date the groomsman you banged. There’s nothing worse than having to pack and leave and check out of your hotel while

I’m going to agree. KFC is a MAJOR weakness for me. If I am going through something stressful or difficult, my husband brings me home a bucket of the stuff. I’m too old now to feel shame. 11 herbs and spices makes me happy. Being surrounded by books makes me happy. Throw in a comfy armchair and I would happily live

I grew up with Ricky Martin (we’re almost the same age). He was, is, and will continue to be my idea if the perfect-looking man. There is just something about him that makes me think I could stare at him for hours.

Mine comes from Primark or Marks and Sparks

It occurred to me last week that barring impeachment/imprisonment, Trump will eventually get a Presidential Library. And I was angry for three consecutive days.

Ricky’s, hands down. Less protocol & weird hats, more Puerto Rican food (likely) and music.

Girl, you know we’ve been treated like full grown adults since probably the age of ten or whenever we first got our periods. I can’t remember anyone trying to make an excuse for my behavior as “well, she was so young”, like ever. But then again, we are not afforded the same innocence that is freely lavished on 20 and

Guess who’s on their way to Target to dress up like the third sister?!

All photos in major magazines are. Besides Serena is an athlete not a model.


Agreed. She is the spitting image of the Queen.

I mean clearly the Pope keeps saying this because he wants all those babies to shut up. As a currently breast feeding mother, I get it.

Not always. Some people complain even if the mom is covered. I am a children’s librarian and a mom was feeding her infant in a little room off to the side where kids can read or play. A grandmother complained to me asking “what am I supposed to tell my grandkids?”. I was so dumbfounded that a woman would complain

Looking at where she was in her career, compared to where Harvey was at in his career, I think it’s actually likely that she didn’t know. She was too in demand by the time he had any power to be setting up “meetings” in his hotel rooms. She would have had her own people by then, and I doubt she would have been so

This pope served in So. America where breastfeeding is as natural as breathing. And it should be in every civilized country.

Yeah. Like it’s Meryl Streep’s fault, with her high-profile studio job, her assigned parking space on the Weinstein Company lot, her 24-hour assistants rolling calls from Studio City, and her chauffeur-driven Bentley idling outside the Brown Derby.../s

Yes, let’s ignore the fact that alleged serial rapist and human trafficker Harry Weinstein is still walking around free as a bird with no sign of that changing anytime soon, and redirect our vitriol to random women in his professional circle!

I think it’s also worth keeping in mind that actors are very used to rumors, blind items, National Enquirer covers, etc. which are bullshit. When you live a life in an environment of constant fake scandal, I imagine it becomes difficult to tell legitimate rumors from fake ones.

Well, to be fair, should the women / victims be the ones who skip being recognized for their work? I get that they make gobs of money but if any of the female actors were harassed on the job, I just don’t see how demanding that they not show up to the awards enacts any kind of justice.

I would prefer them not going, yes.