
Particularly people who voted Green Party, so that they could act superior, while helping to elect someone who is rolling back every environmental regulation possible. I mean it all just makes so much SENSE.

The Democrats still don’t even have so much as a Post It with the beginnings of a national platform or strategy, but dadgumit that won’t stop them from eating their own. A dotard in the White House, Nazis on Capitol Hill... this election has everything but a big shiny bow on top and they are STILL going to fuck it up.

I don’t know if Gillibrand is the right candidate for 2020 either, but any Democratic candidate who is focused on 2020 right now won’t be getting my vote. We have a mentally ill man in the Oval Office who needs to go now, not in 2020. We have Congress to take back in 2018, not worry about 2020. Franken making a joke


Rose twitter is often a symbol of DSA or far leftists. A lot of them are okay folks, but there is definitely a racist, sexist, contingent of white Glenn Greenwald type fuckbois whom tout political purity tests. People get fed up because the worst part of rose twitter tends to be disproportionately loud and

Clinton was against private prisons.

Ugh, I’m so sick of the unrealistic expectation that politicians be “genuine” or “straight shooters.”

... But but butbutbut if you keep your pride, then you get to post “I voted my conscience” on your Facebook page! For the next 4 years! Democracy achieved!!1!!

And her reasoning for why she changed positions is pretty good. She was a Congresswoman for a conservative, rural upstate district. Then she became Senator for an entire state, a large part of which is urban. Those two constituencies have pretty different needs, so as their representative, she adapted her positions on

Hell they don’t even remember that. Remember how people seemed to think Hillary had done nothing of note while ignoring that Bernie mostly named post offices? Somehow he was a dude who got shit done while she was just a woman riding her husband’s coattails.

Apparently pride is more important than silly things like freedom and survival.

Oh, puh-lease. This shows complete ignorance of how large law firms work. She was an associate at Davis Polk, and she got staffed on a tobacco case, probably not by choice. Do you realize how many clients she probably had at her decade there? Just like Barack and Michelle worked at Sidley Austin, a comparable firm,

Yes, because Donald Trump is a champion for the downtrodden.

Thank you for saying this. I am also a lawyer, and one of my husband’s friends and band-mates is a leftie liberal who is also a partner in a large firm. He has represented clients whose positions he personally abhors. It is his JOB. And in a court of law, or in a transaction, as soon as it is OK for any party to be

Yes! It drives me nuts. It’s called a representative Democracy for a reason. But everyone else seems to think that they have to have a candidate whose personal beliefs mesh perfectly with their own. I’d much rather put my trust in someone who is a true advocate for his/her constituency, no matter his/her own

my...political opinions have changed over the last decade. There is no valid argument for saying hers can’t as well.

Could you please provide these studies that show “over and over” that the electorate is more significantly liberal? Cause I’ve seen articles and studies suggesting the *opposite*; that while some issues have gained greater acceptance, like gay marriage and weed legalization, Americans haven’t moved left or have even

had Franken been some prominent leftist firebrand I don’t doubt I would’ve seen more regressive takes coming from my comrades.

I also find criticism of a politician who represents their constituents’ positions strange. For example, Rose Twitter loves to slam Corey Booker as a “pharmaceutical shill”; except a huge portion of his state has jobs thanks to pharmaceuticals. Should he ignore his voters’ and the best interest of his state? Maaaaybe,

Ah yes, I too look forward to another four years of Trump as the left and center-left continue to blame each other for not getting behind whichever fucking candidate is the One Last True Hope, assuming we actually live until 2020, which is in itself seeming increasingly unlikely.