
Yes, what is she wearing? I thought she was doing a cameo in “The Lion King.” I’m no expert, but that’s not Cherokee attire in any universe. Are we even sure she was singing “Half-Breed” while wearing this getup? Or do we already have the torches lit, so fuck it?

It is now. It wasn’t in 1973. In 1973, you were only just starting to see sympathetic depictions of Native Americans and their cultures, and a lot of non-Native people were interesting in learning about what had only been portrayed in a negative light, until the late-60s. And wearing clothing and jewelry influenced by

What is that “ya girl” nonsense. They dragged Cher’s Mom and their “apology” is “Well ya girl is out here doing this so we can say and do whatever we want.” Not that that would excuse it either, but does Cher even know the Pussycat Doll?

Oh lord, it wasn’t even veiled by the end. You may not want to burn brain cells on it but she double, tripled, and quadrupled down on her accusations and clarified beyond all doubt (after the tin foil hat army rallied to her defense and she got bold) what she was saying. If they do decide to sue her, there isn’t an

>The whole act is one big offensive caricature.


It’s not “just twitter” or “just the internet”. Twitter and the internet are actual real life. I never understood the distinction people try to make between “real life” friends and friends they met on the internet. Guess what, those are still real people.

People who disagree with you: anyone who used the services during the Arab Summers, for one. The issue is less that it’s run by an evil company and more that, for better and for worse (but lately, it seems, for worse) it is so WIDELY and WILDLY unmoderated.

Yep. Younger people tend to forget they were born into this world that was shaped by people of Cher’s generation. People who had to fight to get where we are today, people who held racist, sexist, homophobic views who have changed with exposure and education. Hell not even just Cher’s lifetime. In my lifetime. Just

Yeah, except a thinly veiled accusation that his wife is involved in a pedo sex ring and pimps her infant daughter is defamation.

Too many now a days forget that humans are capable of changing.

When somebody is posting pictures of your children. Especially in this day when these idiots don’t just talk about this online, but might actually try to snatch your kid to “save them”, it is hard to not respond.

I was waiting for the internet feminists and other wokes who are always like “YAS Cher’s twitter is the best” to find this. Does this mean they have also discovered “Gypsies, Tramps and Thieves” and her initial reaction to her trans son? She wasn’t initially woke which means we burn her at the stake!

Truth! Cheap, durable, and endlessly entertaining. (7-year-old Holly would’ve loved a clipboard for Xmas.) (Oh, and don’t get me started on binder clips... )

Lolz... she’ll be talking in bullet-points & PowerPoint slides before she hits puberty. :)

Hop down off that cross, darling, your dinner’s getting cold.

You know what, people are capable of more than one interest and one emotion. I couldn’t care less about the Kardashians but let people enjoy what they enjoy. When the world is falling apart let people have the escapism of their choice. It doesn’t also mean they’re not very much aware of the state of the world. You

Was this whole exposition really necessary? No need to massage your ego because you know the best way to electrocute someone. It may be funny to you as a man because you’ll never be the victim of such nasty DV, but maybe think before posting next time.

brilliant ... jr. level manager. Has quality increased through the household?

Your example trivilizes the sitution so much that I hope you're joking. When you're a black person who isn't interested in these things, it's upsetting to have this be the only image of black people that anyone ever sees. It effects the way real people see you and interact with you. It's not like someone heckling you