
A Bullingdon-Jez exchange programme would bear tremendous fruit.

I keep hoping Tyler's "Fast Lane" column will get adopted as a sort of Jez mascot.

This is, by far, the most common version I have encountered both online and off. The person for whom racism is only if you're in the middle of lynching someone while wearing a KKK outfit AND screaming racial epithets AND you're making it completely clear that this isn't Southern Reconstruction cosplay, but that you're

I heard my father use the word once when I was 5 years old (we lived in Memphis at the time, in the mid-'80s, and almost all of my classmates and friends were black), and I WENT OFF on him like a 5-year-old almost never would. Tore him a new asshole, despite my usual demeanor of loving adorable little daughter - how

I'm imagining two girls with Angela Davis sized fros running at each other at speed in an afro ramming fight. I can't stop giggling now. Weave Wars is the best thing ever.

Aye, fair do's pal we're dour right enough. But ye cannae beat the banter! ;-)

Bingo. Boston comes to mind. Maybe Philly is the city of brotherly love, but definitely not the lover of city brothers.

The assumption that the South is full of racist people like her is insulting to all the people from Dixie who managed to grow up dipped in racism lard and yet are somehow not reflexive haters of minorities.

Now let's talk about the myriad of racists in the rest of the country. You know, the kind that are totally and very outspokenly unsurprised and offended when some southern personality does something racist, and omg thank gawd we're more progressive than that where we're from....until one of their kids wants to

I have never heard anyone in my family use that word. Ever.

We're not that dour. Okay we are. But not when we're drunk!

As someone whose lived in both the south as well as the more "gentile" yankee states of Boston and New York, I just have to say it's just as bad up North if not worse. I contribute it to education down here with it being a little more out there in your face but let's be real New York City is completely racist and

Scotland gets lots of light in the summer, but come on - winter is god awful and most of the time, it is chilly and rainy in the summer. The first summer I lived there, with the exception of 3 days in June, had to wear my trench coat every single day. There's lots of great things about Scotland, but the weather just

I'm British and I'm an extroverted optimist. I am regarded with extreme suspicion at all times.

I'm in rural Alabama. I went from a virulent, in-your-face racist as a child. Yes, I was a racist child, who consistently spewed the most vile white supremacist shit at fellow children. Each idea, each word of hate, had been spoon-fed to me from a young age.

My mom was also one of the the few black girls in her school and one of the first ever at that school. I think that her love for the Beatles saved white people from her wrath because she was not treated kindly there.

Saying it is racist is an extreme. I think my hair, when I was young, was the cutest in braids with beads or when I had it in twists. This statement does not say that straight hair is inferior, or that never wearing your hair in braids or twist means your hair was never cute. Plus why is it so wrong for a person to

Growing up biracial on the completely white side of my family in very white environments (neighborhoods, schools...) gave me a pretty nice perspective from both sides. I thought and acted and spoke 'white', but wasn't lucky enough to be fully white.

I was in the 8th grade. My boyfriend was black (and absolutely adorable). My mother made it clear she hoped we weren't dating. It was 8th grade and boyfriends lasted weeks, not years at that point.

My mother kept it quiet for a long time, but right before the '08 election she was visiting me and started using the N

How am I being racist, lol? I not stopping anything because I am not being racist. Against who? You? No I am not being racist against you, (I do not even know your racial makeup).