
When I first started dating my Mr. I asked him to get me a drink at the bar. He came back with a large beer and an apple martini, and then passed me the beer. I'm head over heels y'all.

If you're really a fancy girl you gotta do it big. $8,000 Russian fur hat or gtfo.

I think I just literally farted with excitement. Azimuth.

Imma let you finish but Boyonce is the best name of all time.

If I have a girl child, I'm naming her Amanda Bynes Jessica Parker. If I have a boy, I'm going with Boyoncé.

Probably after Harry. The rest aren't as cute. I mean, Liam is nice, but no. And Zayn is a silly spelling. hahaha! Seriously, just kidding. Sorry. Tired. Don't mind me.

If you're talking about race from a cultural perspective, that's how culture is defined (clothes, dance, etc). But, this video goes beyond a white girl trying to dance like a white girl. As the article says, she uses black women as an accessory.

On the flip side, I am one of those black people but while these things don't necessarily define me, I am quite aware of their historic roots and what they do mean to a subset of black culture. So I'm just as upset as "white people" who may be seen as overreacting, not even because it's apeing something I do, but I

It's hard for me. Because, I am a black woman who grew up "in the 'hood" and whatever...but I have never really viewed this as my culture. The points Dodai made in this article are valid and make sense to me, but part of me kind of feels that Miley Cyrus can have gold grills and twerking. I don't view those things as


Ahh, bless her. I often wonder what life would be like if I wasn't "blessed" with this angry face. Living with chronic bitchface.

Also the fact that when Nicki Minaj for example does similar things she is called a wide variety of sexist names and deemed a bad role model. While Cyrus gets cool points and lauded for doing the exact same things.

I feel that this sentiment sounds lovely but it generally comes from people who get to be thought of and and treated like human beings. The actions, habits and ideas of Kid Rock doesn't inform anyone of any white male of his age and general shape. The action and habits of Rhianna prompted a magazine to refer to her as

This argument is usually brought up when one group is accuse of culturally appropriating or outright stealing another group's simply because the former believes they have the right to do so.

On the one hand, everything in American culture is basically borrowed from elsewhere. I will never agree that it is inappropriate to enjoy a particular piece of music or style of dance. However, Miley and other performers use black cultural cues to appear bad ass, and it is distasteful to borrow the "hardcoreness"

I drink both moderately. I'm due next month. As far as the ultrasound could see, the baby doesn't have flippers. You'll be fine.

if the guy works at an italian restaurant, it could be that he could get a lot of really good gourmet items at wholesale cost. what's the point of writing out a $25 cheque when you could make up a basket of yummies for $100 that's more thoughtful? assuming he didn't have a ton of spare cash - generally, restaurant

My family is European, as in a large proportion of them were born in Europe. I give gifts, as do others. Some other people give envelopes. We're not in Europe anymore.

I thought they were both chowing on gluten pasta so that's not true? And if it is, yeah he obviously didn't know that. This all boils down to, fuck weddings. Marriage is a personal thing, the older I get the worse I think weddings are

But it sounds like they went to a pasta restaurant he works out a couple weeks earlier and ate a lot of gluten. Also since he works in a restaurant, one could probably assume he's a "food person" and knows what he doing when picking out that stuff. A chef I know got us a great bottle of balsamic vinegar as an