
If they're hurting for money why choose a $100/plate venue? And expect your guests to be able to afford to cover your costs so you can upgrade your kitchen? BAH!

I was just thinking, I would pay $ to see any movies written about the late 19th century plains politics, from a Hopi, Navajo, or Cherokee point of view. I've been reading up on the Cherokee, and the Hopi lately. It's a complex history of encounter, alliance and adaptation, not just a straight line of conquest,

When did I say that? I said that the heritage is a part of them, but it doesn't give them a right to pretend they're from the country, just like I have no right saying that because I live in America that I'm an American and know everything about your culture and history, even though I've been taught plenty of it and

A huge problem with folks claiming indigenous ancestry is in part because the U.S. government kind of fucking interfered with that to such an extent that patrilineal lineage/nuclear family structure/blood quantum was thrown at indigenous nations by the gov't, but then kind of unwillingly adapted by indigenous nations

Buying Native-made art and apparel (as opposed to *~tribal~* crap from Urban Outfitters) is also a way to help alleviate poverty and unemployment. A good fashion blog to follow is fyeahindigenousfashion, which also features pieces from other indigenous but marginalized groups like Aboriginal Australians and the Saami.

Even the horse is played by a white actor.

My actual bloody tampon >Dunham's tampon pin

You know there is an actual card, right?

I think that for an Aboriginal kid watching it, it's just going to reenforce the idea that people who look like them don't get to be in movies or fashion magazines. Instead, white people wearing their traditional garb (or, in this case, a dead bird hat, WTF) get to star in movies.

If I had a nickel for every Cherokee and Navajo princess, I could afford to buy back their land for them.

I'm sorry I didn't see this until now, but, yeah, I get it. My mom is awesome. I try to hug her a lot, myself. I'm sure you're doing great with your kids and that they will someday say awesome things about you on the internet. (They'll probably bitch about you on the internet first, when they are teenagers, but I'm

I recently rescued a kitten about this same age. He's adorable, but hell on wheels. Grayson is orange and white with medium long hair. He's not good at cleaning all the poopy out of his semi long butt hair. He often attacks my body parts with full needle claws and sharp needle teeth. We're having trouble learning not

He's running around with his little back up and his little string tail I am dying....

Ah yes, isn't the cirkle (that's right with a K) of life beautiful? You see, baby Kaidence, when a mommy loves being rich and famous veryyy much she films herself having sex and then leaks it for anyone on the internets to see. Then she does anything and everything she can think of to garner media attention, until she

SO SCAMPERY OMG!!! That's it, give me all the kittens. I need to have every kitten.

Reminds me of this.

I agree with you. I got an occasional spanking. I really mean occasional. Like, I would have to do something really off the charts. My mom was more of a "you're grounded" or take away something that I wanted. I'll never forget my mom told me if I didn't clean my room, she wouldn't take me to the Barbie show. I didn't

Yeah, and it's usually coupled with some BS about how they were spanked growing up, and look how well they turned out...

I was spanked as well (albeit not exclusively), but I'm referring to people who think they're taking some kind of moral stand by hitting their kids, and that drugs/drinking/sex/whatever-the-fuck wasn't a problem back before the liberals/feminists/gays/muties shut down spanking as an institution (see also those