
...Before I found out I was having a daughter, I kind of wanted a son. Mostly because in my experience little girls are brilliant and mystifying, where little boys are simply energetic and destructive. I've been out-argued by a four-year-old girl before, but I figured I could probably out-wrestle a boy for the

It's why I can barely stand to be around other women approximately my age unless they're childless or have had kids long enough to be totally disillusioned. (I have two kids myself, but I hope God strikes me down before I use them to prop up my shattered sense of self.)


But are not all fiction writers accomplished liars?

Hell, ask Swift—that dude had to swear before a deity that every story told by Gulliver (and in Gulliver's voice, too—there's definitely a significant amount of understood bullcrap going on in the Cromwellian era re: fiction) was the unvarnished truth. Much to the

exactly! they have such a hold over the british press! and their pearl-clutching pretenses to moral authority while they pick apart actual children (as with the case of crawford's little girl) are so hypocritical as to make news of the world look like a pillar of integrity. they also happily suppress any demographic

Oh, yeah. You can tell when they're having hot flashes from the little trails of steam.

Gee, thanks, evolutionary biologists! Please continue to share your knowledge with us. Tell us more about how every damn thing a woman's body does was directly influenced by how men interact with her.

So... Then is women's preference for younger men the reason why old dudes need Viagra?

I hope it was something we did that gave them baldness.

I find this absurd for a few reasons:

First, the idea that children are somehow anathema to the creative process is beyond ridiculous; creativity is practically a prerequisite for raising kids! Resolving disputes between siblings, keeping active young minds entertained, and finding methodologies by which to teach them

How are people not completely humbled by parenthood? How does someone dare to say, outside of a few obvious things, they know the right way of doing it?

I will never understand how people cannot grasp the concept that just because something works best for you doesn't mean everyone else should do it. It's not just with kids people are offended if you don't want to take their, often unsolicited, advice for anything. I know (some) of what works best for my husband and I

God, I hate the mommy wars. Nobody wins and everybody looks stupid.

This may be unfair, but this sort of shit from OTHER WOMEN makes me even angrier than when it's from men.

That'll be Knorth instead of North.


I finally convinced my honey to bail on the big wedding dream he's had because he's eager to get married, realized we have better shit to spend money on, and a majority of our family members are crazy/jerks/passive-agressive whiners that like to fuck up big moments for us. I love my family, but I do not want

"i'm'a let you finish, Kim, but Beyonce had the best celebrity birth of all time."

The main problem with the Daily Fail is how racist it is.

I once managed to be the highest approved comment on one of their stories, and the amount of pride I felt truly worried me. Like being King of the Dumbasses.

i'm sorry but i have to say, as a british reader ,that the DM is not a shlocky guilty pleasure or even 'lighthearted scopophilia' like dirt bag or midweek madness. the daily heil is bigoted bile and has previously shamed a gay ex-boyband star the day after he died by speculating how his 'lifestyle' might have

Are you sure your names isn't Meagan THATCHER-Mays?