
I find this video a little offensive - I don't like seeing this behaviour promoted or normalised.

I'm talking about the number of indie filmmakers who overlook the importance of using a proper mic. They take time to set up good shots, edit properly, and hire good actors, and then, for some reason, they think it's okay

"Mommy, why are people more concerned with our family than with a fucking TALKING BEE?!"

People don't respect the creative fields.

Aaah do the Christians still do that?! Amazing, they used to do it in Glasgow as well. You know they also have a safety patrol in Glasgow now that hands out flip flops to girls struggling to walk in heels? Don't know if it's a religious organisation but it's so nice. Plus the drunk bus for people who need a wee lie

"A Stroll through Jezebel." Which is a gossip site which prints stuff that is startling or interesting to print. There are 70 major Fraternity (not counting sorority) chapters in the United States. Most have a chapter at over 500 Universities across the United States. Which is about 3,500 Fraternity Chapters

Shit like this is why I fear men in groups. Especially white ones, sorry to say. But as a person of color, my peace matters more than your discomfort with my precautionary methods. I've dealt with enough racists and enough racists in denial saying and doing racist things and vehemently trying to convince me they are

Good on you, you Big Damn Hero. It's about time somebody stood up for rich white kids presented with hypothetical consequences for their actions. Wait right there, I'm going to find a medal for you.

I partied at Oxford once, at one of the most prestigious colleges. So much creepy, so much alcohol that was unsurprisingly followed by alcohol poisoning. US does not have a monopoly on asshole. I think anywhere that fosters a sense of entitlement can get the job done.

Says a lot about the collective brain capacity of that whole frat when all they could come up with for a prank is "HEY LET'S SPELL NIGGERFAGGOT BACKWARD AND HAVE THE MAILMAN LOAD UP LIKE 70 BOXES THAT SOUNDS AWESOME"

The problem with dismissing Greek entirely is that many frats/sororities really aren't like this. The problem is with the utterly useless Greek orgs and schools not taking misbehavior seriously - defending Greek culture isn't the same as defending these assholes. I'm pretty sure the disgust is shared by many within it.

Something else that people don't understand is that being a mail carrier is a HARD and thankless job. I mean 9-12 hours per day, no breaks whatsoever (yes, really except necessary bathroom breaks while you're in the office, but good luck finding one on the route) kind of HARD! Everyone thinks it's easy, but it's not.

Catass is also presented in a completely different way. Dogs are like "buttholes are cool, here's my butthole, now show me yours!"

Would they say this word sitting in the audience at the Apollo? Absolutely not. This new generation of white kids realizes that it's racist and say it anyway. That does not make them "good people". It's not just white kids either. I live in a very diverse part of NYC, and I hear Indian and Middle Eastern teenagers use

Sorry I'm gone have to hit you with this shit right now.

So if you spell dog backwards

I think if I ever had kids I would not ban things like Barbies from the house, because it just makes kids want them more. I would just try to teach kids why these toys are made the way they are and hopefully something about how things are marketed differently to boys and girls.

but 'nigga' is a funny word! I didn't mean anything by it!


I can't....

Sorry. That's bullshit. Would he say it in my face? No. Then, he knows he is doing wrong. Don't condone or apologize for it.