
My mom is a total badass... 25 years in law enforcement, working her way from patrol officer to chief of police in two different towns. She's faced so much sexism on the job, but was (and still is) an amazing role model for me and my sisters, showing us how to have a strong and independent voice. She calls everything

And Prince Gazza took her in his pubescent arms, flashed her a smile that revealed the rubberbands on his braces and said "can you lend me $10 for some cigarettes? I don't get pocket money til Thursday".

Ugh. She throws her life away at age 15 over her "one true love". My one true love at age 15 was a barely literate bogan by the name of Gary.

It's easy (and getting old) to slate Disney films, but you know what? Kids love them. I grew up watching them (my first crush was the fox Robin Hood, when I was five) and in spite of the princes and singing and shit, I have grown up to be a pretty outspoken and independent woman. And I'm raising my daughter, born when

My youngest daughter has such a loathing of all things Disney princess related she asked if she can "pre-spank" possible children to keep them from liking this crap. Side note: I don't know where she got the idea that "pre-spanking" is even a thing because she has never been spanked period.

Yeah. basically. I have problems with both Bey and Ye, but I always find myself defending them against the outright dismissals and lack of intersectionality that I find when I have these discussions, especially on this site. It's as if acknowledging that these Black superstars have a different PoV by proxy of them

He is a bit loopy. I never said he wasn't. But there is something very dismissive about people's usual tone with him. They don't respect him and when he goes all "YOU WILL RESPECT ME AND MY ARTISTRY", people call him crazy. Why is he crazy for demanding respect? He's not. He's crazy for a lot of other reasons, yes.

RE Zac Efron

Not long ago (and this is how I know that he'd probably be cool with weaning any time now), Baby Tashkent was nursing, he popped off, grumbled a little, reached behind him to the table next to the glider we nurse in, grabbed his pacifier and stuck it in his mouth, and thereafter was contented. I didn't know whether to

Ehhhhh, I have done the toilet breastfeeding. There's only so long you can hold a pee before you say fuck it and take the kiddo into the john with you. That's the reality of life!

All the moms of infants/toddlers I know complain that they no longer get to pee by themselves, so I think it's more or less par for the course.

I have a few audio files, too. The sounds of breastfeeding are so sweet to me. And that goofy "talking" on the boob? Heh. This is some of my favorite stuff ever.

He really does the "ex-beauty pageant trophy wife of a Colombian drug lord going on a yacht party in Miami" look like nobody's business.

Hahaha. My engagement was similar. I'm not a fan of engagement/wedding hoopla, but Mr. Lobster apparently felt pressure to make it fancy. He asked my dad for permission and my dad was like, "Huh? Do whatever the fuck you guys want." I'd just flown back from a trip to Egypt and was completely tired and jetlagged and

Oh I LOVE that.

I'm right there with you. A lot of Facebook-shaming just makes me roll my eyes - especially the ire directed towards parents. "They talk too much about their kids on Facebook!" Well, that's because they keep in touch with long-distance family and friends that way. If you don't like it, de-friend.

Ha! So I had a feeling my man was going to propose, and for a whole month, I had my nails DONE. As in, not a chip of scratch in site. I work at a middle school, and even my students noticed that my hair and nails were looking sharp every day. I told them what was going on, and how exhausted I was to do full hair

HAHAHHAAH. Oh goodness. It's my first day out of college, and I've not had any coffee this morning. Excuse me. A pubic proposal does sound quite intriguing though. Maybe we could start a trend.

Proposed to on a beach, at night, just us. But I had been covering dead, washed up fish immediately beforehand because a) I thought it was funny and b) had no idea he'd propose while I was doing this. Look, I was only 21, okay?!