

I'm a longtime Jezebel reader and the daughter of one of the oldest cocktail waitresses at Foxwoods. She rocks and raised me on those tips; I've seen the job take its toll and now work in the feminist movement because of it. Thank you, thank you, thank you from the bottom of my heart for featuring this story.

Cheryl Haase has been serving cocktails at Foxwoods for over 20 years...

My uncle is blocked from my feed because he kept posting about doing Crossfit for Jesus. Does he really think Jesus cares about his exercise regime?

I keep forgetting that "toe shoes" mean something else entirely these days. It took me a while to stop picturing a big hairy dude with a pony tail dancing en pointe while raving about the benefits of the paleo diet.

I know, it sounds fucking delicious and I'm totally going to make it. And I'm going to eat it with some bread and probably have desert too. Then I'm going to go take a shower in my house with walls because I am not a fucking cavewoman.

Please stop with the pink is bad crap. I know that's now what you specifically said, but it's what you're implying.

I have a friend who's a nurse, and she said pooping in the delivery room is really common, and just like you said - it's usually before the delivery when the mother is pushing. She said the nurses all wear gloves anyway, so they're trained to just scoop it up with their hand and then pull the glove off by pulling it

You sound just like me! I always tell my pregnant friends that labor is "pain with a purpose." I also became very focused during birth. You could have knocked me on the head with an anvil and I wouldn't have noticed. I had a job to do!

I never had anything approaching an orgasm during any three of my unmedicated births. But, pushing was, in a way, intensely satisfying, because I was finally doing something, after hours of just riding out the contractions. It was satisfying in the same way that any physical labor is satisfying. It sucks to

People in Bangladesh/Sri Lanka/Morocco/Pakistan need these jobs. We boycott these brands = they are unemployed. They lose the very little income they have

So to help poor workers abroad, you completely take away their job? That's not the solution...

Akter told the Nation that she doesn't want consumers to stop buying goods produced in Bangladesh: she wants them to raise their voices. She wants us to raise our voices. Akter doesn't support a boycott of Bangladeshi goods — the millions of women employed by the garment industry depend on their jobs for income.

Same here. I was never a victim of a crime in the "high crime" areas I grew up in; I've had my car stolen out of my driveway in the affluent area I live in now, and my lock tampered with (I suspect the reason it ended there is that I have like 20 fucking dogs). The police officer who took the report for the stolen car

If you don't like the style of writing on this website, then by all means go create your own and write in the persnickety, sanctimonious, highly instructive and imperious tone you employ here. I am sure it will attracts tens of readers.

Why do so many of the commenters here think white neighborhoods don't have as much crime? I can only assume we've lived in very different neighborhoods. You think the Mexican Mafia or the Black Disciples are more dangerous or prevalent than the Aryan Brotherhood or The Angels?

There are certain concepts that vernacular much more efficiently conveys than formal language.

If catching the rich kid pot smokers isn't important, why is catching the poor ones?

I don't know about this Rivers-Palin thing, but I would pay money to watch Ann Romney "swap" with a member of the Palin brood. That would be the ultimate in hate-watching.

My friends, classmates & acquaintances are all shocked when they bring up how much they're looking forward to getting pregnant and becoming mothers because it's so "magical" and I'm just sitting there going NO. ALL THE NO.