
That's a lovely story! I've often said that if my dad got rid of his beard tomorrow, I wouldn't recognize him, he's had it since he was 16. My best wishes on your dad's continued remission.

Just commenting to say, this comment is hilarious and cracked me up. Thanks!

How is it win? That bitch is crazy. White people can keep her.

AGREED! God, I love a man with a beard. So much so that I have a Pinterest board specifically dedicated to bearded men.

I call BS on this since her kids are both foster children.

The sheer magnitude of your ignorance and lack of self-awareness is astounding. How does someone like you manage to breathe and write stupid shit on Facebook at the same time?

Hey dude. So, I read your open letter to Lindy on your facebook (either you made it public, or I could see it because we have a few friends in common), and your overall point seems to be that this entire discussion (of sexism/misogyny in comedy) is "ridiculous". And I'm wondering if you, as a white person, would ever

You felt bad for upsetting HIM. And you had no problem saying that you wanted her, a person you'd never met, to fall down a flight of stairs.

Well, you are clearly so damaged from your horrid upbringing that you have no idea how crazy you are. I bet you even think you love that monster, your mother.

Who is outlawing anything? Is there some legislation going through Congress of which I'm unaware? Are we repealing the Bill of Rights?

Uh... that's basically the free market, not censorship. You, nor anyone else in this country (hell, no-one in human history except for a few Kings and Popes), do not have a right to say whatever you want with no consequences. If you say hideous shit in public, people have a right to decry it, and businesses have every

Exactly - when my olympic athlete coach was telling the story about getting body-shamed when she was standing in line for the restroom at a night club (a dude in the line for the guys was commenting on her height and muscular build and implying she was in the wrong line) - that's when it hit home for me.

A favorite tale in my family was about my dad. His parents swore constantly, so, needless to say, he picked up some choice phrases. One day, his grandmother was visiting and presented 2-yo-Papa Cdubs in his high chair with a bowl of oatmeal. Mind you, Great-granny Cdubs was a terrible cook, so I can only imagine what

Haahaa! I remember getting a ride to school with my friend's mom—she was drinking hot coffee and spilled it in the car. I though to myself "oh, this is why you're not supposed to DRINK AND DRIVE."

Holy shit you "owe" them money? WTF.

When I was a kid I burst into tears when my mom would drink diet pepsi while driving my sister and I to school because, you know, 'drinking and driving.'

He will grow out of it. My friends had a little boy like that and now he is a way more relaxed pre-teen. We had a joke running when he was young that hitting is bad, unless you want to kick my husband. We would joke he is a jerk, go give him a kick! But we had to stop after the poor kid burst into tears telling us how

Dude, good luck with that. With my oldest, we were So. Careful. Now that we have three, my youngest, who just turned two, is already telling dirty jokes. (example: "Knock knock" "Who's there?" "PENIS PEED IN THE UNDERWEAR!! HAHAHAHAHA" And yes, that's an original). I'm trying, I really am. But you have to pick

I do not think it is right to deny small children these words! Toddlerhood especially is a fucking frustrating bunch of bullshit a lot of days!

I totally do the whispering curse words thing, except very poorly. Whenever I'm saying a two-worded curse I tend to whisper the non-offensive part and then curse in a normal voice. As in, holy SHIT. Or mother FUCKER. I don't know where or when or how it started, but that's a habit I can't begin to change.