
Yup! My parents would have given me a talking to over curse words. But calling my sister dumb? I was doomed and I damn well knew it. And now, I appreciate that so much. You learn as a kid that an argument doesn't have to be a fight, and more importantly, that even if you're furious with each other, family does not put

Probably the same way I knew I was straight and liked chicks after falling hopelessly head over heels in love with Melanie Thompson at the age of 5 years old in daycare. I'd carry her sand bucket for her, I'd give her half of my pb&j, I'd get off the swing to let her on it, I'd knock out two teeth trying to jump

You see, an 11 year old knows that he's gay when he gets a magical visit from the Stork's bachelor pal, The Alternative Lifestyle Flamingo. First, he gives little homo Johnny a pair of adorable Marc Jacobs gabardine trousers and a copy of the original Broadway Cast Recording of Westside Story then, to complete the

Once we have a nation of kids who can read and do math at grade level, then I'll be ok with politicians wasting time coming up with laws protecting kids from the gays.

I like the hashtag #truth slapped on to the end of this, like it automatically means you aren't totally full of shit. Like you can just slap #truth on to any crazy bullshit and it automatically makes it true.

I basically live on carbs. I also am in the process of completing a major work of foundational research that has already been contracted into being published by a major research publisher. Turns out that your brain actually needs... sustenance... to think. Your move, dickhead.

Who needs the sisterhood when you can be "one of the boys," amirite?!

She's the Cool Girl with a political office.

You know, I’ve always said that I didn’t want to be given a job because I was a female, I wanted it because I was the most well-qualified person for the job.

If Kim and Kanye don't name their little girl "Kween" I will be sorely disappointed.

Consider for a moment the possibility that you're talking out of your ass. Just consider it. That's all I'm asking.


I graduated in '00 with a 4.1(maybe 4.2) and was I think tenth(?) in my class. Our Valedictorian and salutatorian had like perfect 5.0's and the only thing that separated them was their SAT scores (seriously. V got a 1590, and S only scored a 1550 or some such nonsense.) It was a brutal, knock down drag out in my

Man, I initially mis-read your last sentence as "Will she infect me with her SlutCookies?" and I was like, cookies? Man, sluts get all the best stuff.

Why should he respect her? Does she respect him? Likely not. Why do people always look at the man when it comes to sexual respect and never the woman? People are allowed to fuck for the sake of a fuck. Men and women both. So shut the fuck up. Asshole.

So a male is obligated to take a woman home to his mom and the only reason he wouldn't would be because she is a 'slut'?

Just because a woman is promiscuous, it still doesn't mean she'll sleep with anybody who has a penis. There's such a thing as taste, and not all the men you like will be men she likes. And it doesn't mean she won't have compassion for you and how you feel about said guy, even if she is enough of a douche to sleep with


Oh, shit. The call is coming from inside the house!

Evie Havok,