
This makes me want to start an interracial family with a black man....probably not the point Cheerios was getting at, but effective nonetheless!

My smart, gorgeous, funny, bi-lingual, (and yes, bi-racial) daughter doesn't deserve to live in a world with these idiots. The racist haters can take their boxes of non-Cherrios cereals and put it where the sun don't shine. Must go watch some more Patrick Steward to put me out of my rage.

Whenever I visit my father he insists on trying to get me to watch Two and a Half Men. He'll ask if I want to watch it and when I say no makes me run down the list of why I won't. Every Single. Time. Yesterday he asked me what behaviours of his he could change, and I told him he isn't very good at listening to other

I read half way thru your post and thought "yeah she has no kids".

Accountability among teachers is a tricky subject, because there are so many variables. Students who go to kindergarten in a richer area tend to be richer, and richer children hear more words before kindergarten so they come in at an advantage. Should the teachers in the less privileged areas be punished because the

I'm gonna go with "criminally stupid".

Yeah, we used to do the same thing, too. That means it's a universally safe experience, and that I'm obviously bulletproof and my kids will be too, right? Because bad shit never, ever happens when you're doing the things you did as a kid because we were tough, and it's just silly to...oh, wait, it does. At least,

I find self described "detail oriented" people are often just high maintenance douchebags who get pissed off if, like, their Starbucks order is a little off.

One hopes somebody attached his foot to the kid's ass.

I will second the Snotsucker. Hell, we even used the Fridababy (same company) Windi when our daughter had colic - aka the fart extractor. It definitely helped, and made the Snotsucker seem a lot less gross!

Hell, there are days I come home from work and could use a baby lotion massage and some swadddling. Babies have it SO GOOD and they don't even know it.

Why do people always talk about themselves needing to get in touch with nature as if they are not part of nature? Whether you spend all day on the couch watching TV or sleep in the forest on a bed of pine needles, you are part of nature and as naturey as nature gets.

I love this thread so much I would let it birth my children

I bet these are the same type of people who think that it'd be cool to have a mental illness because that would make them interesting. But only "sexy" mental illnesses that are in a lot of movies, like schizophrenia. Not the scary, ugly kind that make you release your bowel movements in public or anything.

Sure, go right ahead and screw up your kid. After this auspicious birth, what will you do 5 years later when your tyke feels an emptiness so deep even Dora can't help? The emptiness he can't explain beyond something is 'missing'. The emptiness that comes from being apart from his grizzly doula?

Yeah, "Total relaxation" says the person who will never give birth, ever.

Trying to find a picture of Snorky from the Simpsons led me to this, which is even better.

It has now extended to anyone who wears glasses or plaid shirts— so everyone, including my grandpa.

You can still do that. I'm not Rihanna but lingering in the nude is something I advocate.

I would then also turn up at your work.