
This confirms to me that people need to chill out about toddler 'behaviour' in public. They are not malicious little brats wilfully defying their parents, they have literally forgotten the social rules that their parents keep trying to enforce on them every single time they go out.

My 2 cents.

It's kryptonite to my ovaries, I swear. I'm half ashamed to admit that I, while in the presence of a dude I'd been dating less than a month, had a full-blown biological clock meltdown over the sight an adorable three-year-old girl with afro pigtail puffs.

If that were all it took, we'd just need Michelle Pfeiffer to tour failing schools with Coolio.

I'm sorry, I have to stop you right there. I'm 30 years old and have had everything from full on french bush to front-to-back waxing. I have never, ever, ever looked like a 3 year old girl except for when I was 3. I don't understand why people think it looks like that... it's starting to get obnoxious to hear as if

I'm at the age (late thirties) where I'm really sick of people, particularly whites (and I'm assuming you are) telling other groups what's unnecessary, unhealthy, or not normal. Who made you the qualifier? If it's not part of your cultural experience, guess what? Don't do it. Even if it is (and some have shared

As long as it is LITTLE girls.

What are the reasons given for preferring a shaven look? It's "cleaner"? It's "prettier"? It is more "hygienic"? Somehow, that says it all, by implying that my natural womanly look is not these things, which are typically associated with yes, prepubescents. In addition, if I was just looking a pictures of vaginas, I

HermioneStranger — who is body shaming? I'm not. I think body shaming is making women or girls feel that the hair that they are born with is somehow disgusting or unaesthetically pleasing or nonsexy. I grew up when pubic hair was the norm, and no guy ever acted as if it wasn't. In fact, I am sure they would have

I responded to another commenter as well about it and just wasn't sure if you would see it as well. I just think that people are thinking wayy too much into it. I don't feel it's a big deal. Do it or don't do it there are bigger things to worry about with babies. Like others have said, parents impose certain diets,

But there are other indicators on that part of your body, that you are a mature man. The shape and size of your face, jaw, etc. Deeper voice.

I know...I like the way mine looks, and I just get steamed when people use phrases like "grooming" or worse, "maintenance" in a snide way. ("She needs to do some maintenance down there.") I have positive feelings about it- I remember it first growing in, when I was hitting puberty, and being excited, I loved how it

With a big red clitoris that HONKED when you squeezed it.

I dislike the clean shaven look, because I am a women, not a girl. I sometimes feel that men who want no hair are really looking to fulfill their desire for a prepubescent, and there is something wrong with that. Then again, I have very fine, thin hair everywhere, so I may not have the grooming issues others do.

Honestly, I think if I was dating someone, and the first time we had sex I found that they had a giant poofy bright-red bush shaped and styled like a clown's wig, I would be more attracted to them, because comedy is fucking hot.

Also, this:

"Aw, Bernie B, you wonderful doofy idiot."

Just all of the this.

Thigh rolls!!! My babies were preemies and born very, very small so they don't have them even at 1.5 yrs, but I LOVE chubby baby thighs.

My kid has a Pavlovian response to hearing a horn honk— she immediately yells out the F-word! Because that's what everyone does, right?...Riiiiight?

Pretty common in the black community. My pediatrician did it when I was a baby.

Look at her chubby little fingers! Fingers and toes are the cutest things about babies and toddlers in my book.

Dude, I have a baby (six months old), and I love the fuck out of my baby, but I'm not trying to bring my baby to a bar. Because bar is mommy's drunk time, and mommy doesn't want to have to worry about a baby while she's drinking and having a good time. I can barely manage to eat an uninterrupted meal these days, but