
Well doesn't that just say it all. I've long been of the opinion that the absence of women in comedy isn't just about sexist audiences/comedy club owners, it's about the way we as a culture see women. Genteel, delicate symbols of loveliness that should never "diminish their qualities". But comedy isn't about

As long as they don't play hockey, Febreeze should be fine. Nothing cuts through hockey stank, absolutely nothing.

It varies from goat to goat, but usually around 12 or so. Depends on how athletic they are, too. If you're Canadian and they play hockey, it could be this afternoon. I swear, the cold of the arena freezes the stink in. Febreeze, you fucking lie.

I breastfed for as long as my body would let me. 9 months. Everything dried up then. It tried to give out before then, but I fought it with a supplement (fennel seed capsules) and managed to eek out a few more months. Maybe that is all this is. Mama's body giving out.

Best sentence ever to describe both sides of the issue:

Do what feels right for you and your family. BAM! Discussion ended.

in my wildest dreams, foxy would be brought back tenfold! #foxy

WORD. 99% of my house is neat, tidy, and carefully organized. I can tell you where to find anything w/o looking (assuming you couldn't figure it out on your own. You probably could. That level of organized.) My bedroom? That is a swirling pit of clothes, shoes, jewelry, hair stuff, make-up ... there might be a small

I'm down with uniforms. At the very least they eliminate daily drama over whether or not you wore that sweater too recently to re-run it. Although when I was in a uniform I was frequently late because I couldn't find the damn uniform.

It's not really that much of a feud when one fanbase can just ground the other.

My thoughts on Troy? DAT ASS!

*clap* *clap*If/when we get a nanny (again), I sure as hell may send her instead of me for some of the minor events. I also will send my nanny to drive my kid to some of his weekly therapy sessions and maybe I can actually swing getting my kids into a team sport (unavailable up to now because practice is often two or

I used to have nightmares that I was supposed to be taking care of random babies (they were sometimes mine, sometimes other people's) and I would always end up poisoning them with my diseased breastmilk. THANKS, DREAM BRAIN!

I once had a nightmare that I had a crack baby. It just WOULD NOT stop smoking crack! I'd leave him in his crib to fall asleep, and then I'd hear the scratching of a lighter, and walk in to find him back on the pipe.

I am a nanny, at my day job, anyway, and this theory holds water. While plenty of moms are kind to me, there is a definite contingent that treat me like a servant. It is disheartening, too, since I am a licensed teacher and turned to nannying for greater job satisfaction. Lots of parents do not see me, or my

Just remember that part of "raising" your children is making the decisions about who will care for them when you can't (or don't want to). Sending your kid to daycare isn't giving your child to other humans to raise.

This is really nuts! I worked (as a doctor) in a maternity hospital in Scotland for a while, and the delivery room policy was: patient and baby-to-be, midwife +/- assistant or student, plus ONE OTHER PERSON. That could be the baby's father (or mother, if a lesbian couple, I suppose) or any other chosen birthing

This is how I'm hyperbolizing this conversation-

I figured they mean service wise. When I look fabulous I get amazing customer service everywhere I go. Better then the lady in pj pants. I'm not saying I deserve it more, but I absolutely get it when dressed nice.

I am not talking about cute darlin, I am talking about pajamas vs. clothing. Calm the fuck down. Mysterious standards laid out- pajamas vs. clothing. You are quite obviously and asshole. Working/lower class? That's me and my entire family. Don't you get on a high horse and talk to my about fucking poverty or