
Didn't you call other people low class and uneducated, as if that was an insult? Please tell me, precious, what on earth gave you the idea you could simultaneously sneer down your nose at people AND be all precious when it backfires on you? You can't play the bully and the victim. Some of the stuff you've said is

I have a vague feeling that in the U.K. "Cunt" is applied almost exclusively to men and it isn't really associated with female genitalia at all (they have the truly adorable "fanny" for that. ... Just writing that made me giggle. "Fanny" Those limey bastards are so fucking cute!).
Personally, I keep "cunt" as my special

Irrespective of the "who" and that i don't normally listen to modern r&b - that this song reiterates the fact that abuse amongst / within the romantic relationship paradigm (other types of relationships are a different matter) is common, is an important statement. That is happens where you don't often think it would.

I love kelly. And I think the reason why she wasn't as successful as bey was 1. she kept matthew knowles as her manager, 2. Colorism.

Nope. Count me with you. I'm finding all the internet backlash pretty ridiculous. Everyone is freaking out about the message that the makeovers is sending little girls, while forgetting that as they do so they are all sending a message that if you are pretty and thin and have big eyes, apparently your personality

Am I the only person on earth who didn't think this was a big deal? Like at all?
I mean I'm just an average person and not a costume designer, but I'm not really getting "sexy" from this dress. It looks pretty much the same to me except for more glitter and maybe the neckline is a bit lower. It's not like she's

Yeah sure me too push up bras and silk slips all the way, I even wear those high heels with the little fluffy pom poms on them.

Whatever you say, Japanese Todd Akin.

Parents just don't understand...

Seriously! At 15 I was sharing bunk beds with my 8 year old brother.

Does that mean I can begin referring to my vagina as "the dead sea scroll"?

I have a sister 18 yrs older than me. It is pretty awesome most of the time. Plus, we look exactly the same- so I know I'll still be bangin' when I am in my 40's.

... Okay. I have been getting nervous about going for #2, but this has reassured me. TOO CUTE!

I don't appreciate it, myself. I'm a guy who has looked after kids for most of my life in one capacity or another. Helped my parents out with my siblings, babysat, etc. I hate the feeling that other people are judging me when I'm out with my cousin, or when I was out with my siblings when we were younger. It's

Prince Eric totally spiked the punch.

To quote philosopher of the ages Sweet Brown: ain't nobody got time for that. And by "that" I mean "comparison mom-ing." Are your kids happy and thriving? Are you happy and thriving? Done.

Ugh, fondant is the enemy of all true cake lovers.

Hopefully she'll address this in the next edition of GOOP : make revealing statements, go get yo'self waxed, get a lot of people wondering whether you know what you say, do be dutiful to the patriarchy, be a hairless child, see us all speculate about you.

My 1.5 year old's pants look exactly like this after a very full diaper. Looks like someone had a big dinner!

Oh ew. Ew. EW! Gaaaaaaaaaaaah!