

Oh my god. Gawker did a piece on how "detox rinses" are bullshit several years ago, and there was this one comment that perfectly encapsulated the brain-dead mentality of the "detox" crowd—one started ranting about detox cleanses worked and how he had stopped smoking, eliminated red meat, coffee, alcohol, etc. from

I do Orangina cleansings. I'm not sure how much it helps, because I have been known to do a cheeseburger chaser. I may even bring some fries into the equation. I'd like to believe that it has been beneficial to my overall well being.

I think my high school had a prom. I seem to remember someone I knew going to it. But I wasn't really aware of it. I didn't go to prom until my husband, a high school teacher, asked me when we were both in our forties. It was cool. Honestly, I think everyone should wait and do it later, 'cause I'm sure I would have

Home-made dress + Dyeables = Hot Ass

With this one, you pretty much have to sit like this for five minutes out of every twenty. Otherwise, you're risking a case of jungle rot that will make nurses who were in Vietnam pass out.

Seriously. The 80s lingerie commited to sleaze. "I didn't paint my face with a half inch of blusher, raccoon my eyes, tease my hair into a weather system and don this pleather and fringe ensemble to talk, buddy. I'm here to bone. Now get to it."

I love sleezy 70's/80's lingerie. It's so much more fun than today's stuff. 70's and 80's lingerie says "I want to fuck, I want to have fun, and I want to be a filthy as possible," while today's either says "Look how sophisticated I am in my beaded negligee" which is just a big yawner, or "TEE HEE I'M DRESSED UP

My thoughts exactly - I always think of Mike Huckabee, who comes off as sensible and self-effacing until you realize he's been saying some batshit craziness for the last five minutes and you barely noticed.

I'm just hanging out with a well-trained group of dudes, no camo!

This type of racism scares me the most. It is incredibly easy for most people to see the problem with dummies dressed up in hilarious white costumes naming themselves after dragons and other crap. It is much harder for people to see the evil in well spoken, polite young people. The banal khaki wearing type of evil is

Whenever I start to get upset by that tiny puckered anus I think about him trying to be our president, and I laugh. Then I think about his big "I'm going to show everyone Obama's REAL birth certificate, tune in tomorrow!" Then tomorrow came, and Obama said "Bin Ladin is dead", and I laugh and laugh and laugh and

Fudge, fudge, lemonade, here is the place where the bullshit is made.


Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! I am a member of a sorority, and I find all the sorority bashing on a lot of the blogs I read (not just Jezebel) really irritating. My sorority was filled with feminists, women with varied interests, and women who have gone on to do fabulous and amazing things. I wholeheartedly hate

Yes, yes, YES!!! I am in month 9 and I look like an absurd cartoonish character with an enormous belly and an enormous everything else. Those damn expensive Pea in the Pod clothes can suck it too. Because you are right! They got too small way too fast. These days, I'm lucky to find a shirt that completely covers the

They were being efficient. That way, instead of wasting time loading the gun when they got there, they could just burst out of the car and start shooting.

Besides, what if they had run into a criminal along the way? The only way to stop a bad guy with a gun is to have a gun yourself. It's not like you can just call a

Wow, I honestly had no idea jerry-rigged was a cover for a slur. Not that I use that phrase all the time, but... man. Gotta be careful what one says.

I don't know about that. Gargamel had a pretty awesome soup recipe for those smurfs.