
Half the time I think his movies are so popular not because every black person loves them (which people really seem to think is true) but because of two things

As a WOC I can say that I've never liked nor understood any of Perry's movies and am often saddened by the mass appeal. It's embarrassing to me. But then, even as a WOC I don't think I'm the target audience. Mostly I just say I hate it, it's not for me and then I move on. Pretty much the same way I feel about eggplant.

Tyler Perry is terrible. He's doing the worst kind of minstrel show because black people buy into it. There's the expectation that we "support ours" and go see his movies, but his movies are just torture porn* for Christian black women.

Here we go again. Blackface in Vogue Bingo starts ... now! (It's aaaaaart! is the free square.) I'll get us started:

Agree. And you know those people aren't on Capitol Hill lobbying for foreign aid, or pulling an Angelina Jolie and going to visit refugees, or starting a school in Africa, or distributing condoms or food or whatever else. Their big contribution is posting on Facebook and feigning outrage. Spare me.

Oh honey. I'm loathe to promote you in some ways, but I'm promoting you because I actually don't think you're trolling: I think you think you are making sense.

I agree that there is nothing wrong with her choosing to have a D/s relationship, as long as she doesn't hold up her marriage as the ideal. I have no problem with a woman wanting to be submissive, but I do take issue with the idea that a woman has to be subservient to make a man more masculine. Also, as a person who

I really do not like Bruno Mars' songs. I feel that they are craptastic and whiny and it annoys me that people play that 'we're looking for something dumb to do so lets get married like idiots' song at wedding receptions (that and rihanna's we found love which is a breakup song lol)