You should see him with the kids from his charity in Lesotho. He’s his mother’s boy.
You should see him with the kids from his charity in Lesotho. He’s his mother’s boy.
I think CNMs need to bee a thing in the USA. I don’t feel as though I was any less safe for not being seen by an OB throughout my pregnancies. I did have the same midwife throughout my pregnancies. My friend is a consultant OB and she’s about doing as little intervention as possible. From what my American friends and…
Here in Blighty, you only have to stay in the hospital for four hours after a normal birth if you want. Lots of my friends were back at home the same day, depending on the time of birth. However, you get a midwife to see you at home for 10 days after birth and all the blood tests and such is done there. Two days was…
Also, how gorgeous is Cleavon Little in that clip?!
He’s the image of Philip, only he has red hair instead of blond. Look up Diana’s sister- they have the same red hair. Wonder if Baby Cambridge 3 will be ginger?
I was more concerned about the kind of place that would tattoo a 14 year old. I didn’t even clock the piercings. You’re right- gross on the adults in charge.
I hope you don’t mean that to be an insult because....
What’s with that big ass tattoo? She’s 14- under no circumstances is my 14 y/o getting a tattoo. I’m tatted as well, but I was 20 when I got my first.
I have a 14 year old son. He has friends that are girls. From what I glean from their lives, the girls are envious of his eyelashes, like Pokemon, want to put makeup on him (?), can’t understand why his hands are sooooo soft, call him when they need cheering up, and he moderates Snapchat spats.
He’s a fucking knob-end. No one wants to buy his shitty music. I can’t stand either one of the Gallagher twats, but Noel has come out with the odd amusing quip.
That’s EXACTLY where my mind was.
I am very sorry for the loss of your boyfriend. I hope you and his family are well as you can be during an incredibly difficult and devastating time. I don’t understand why people feel they need to police other people’s social media habits. No one has to follow anyone.
Sooo... you’re just going to leave us hanging like that?
There could be a wall of crudely drawn dicks in a cartoon & my younger kids wouldn’t notice. One of their favourites, “Hey Duggee” looks like a penis. My 14 year old would predictably lose his shit.
Ambition isn’t the end-all, be-all— and it certainly doesn’t mean you’re a good or smart person.
I laughed so fucking hard at this! Kid logic is the best l0gic.
I have the same fear. My son put a toy one on my pillow and the only thing that saved him was that he was 7 or 8. I then asked him how would he like it if I put clowns in his bed. He’s terrified of them.
I’m terrified of rodents. My workmates had a rat in a presentation and I screamed and turned my chair around. If someone brought a rat out to scare me, I’d lose my shit.
My parents didn’t hit us, so when those stories start, they immediately scream abuse to me. I can’t get my head around beating kids for what essentially is very bad parenting. The woman in the second post was a very poor parent. Who expects a one year old to sit still? She’s why teenagers really aren’t equipped to be…
Would anyone say this about their partner? If my husband hauled off and smacked me because I left the iron on or forgot to give way at a roundabout, thus almost causing someone to run into us, would that be okay? Of course not. So why do people justify this for kids?