People are downloading it from him/her via BitTorrent.
People are downloading it from him/her via BitTorrent.
It’s a third party solution, but I use Launcher for this. It puts app shortcuts in the widget screen, but you can also set shortcuts directly to a ton of other things including specific settings. I have shortcuts to wifi and Bluetooth, which I access frequently.
I use almond milk in my coffee, chai lattes, on cereal, and in sauces. It’s yummy and tastes better than milk (to me).
Same here :/
(Comment deleted)
I LOVE this!
Yeah, rollers and brushes last forever (no drying or hardening) in the freezer if sealed well. Thaw the brush for an hour or so the next time you need it, and you can dip it back in the paint like you didn't take a break.
I do this endlessly, and never seem to learn. I get so obsessed with paying down my student loans, live like a pauper for months, pinching pennies and never socializing, then I go off the deep end one day and buy a new iPad or some stupid shit like that. Then there's the guilt. Ugh.
Yup! Or saran wrap.
I get that this is adware, but the video ad that plays occasionally makes this app unusable for me. It still plays the sound despite the volume on my phone being off (a must in my workplace), and it's really office-inappropriate — video game ad with loud machine guns — which makes little sense since the app is…
Cool story!
Heh? It's in the title of the article where it always was.
I'll be using this one, thanks!
There are fairly recent pictures of her in a bikini that make my mid-30s body look doughy. She is in great shape for someone her age (or any age for that matter.)
Exhibit B: Coco
Aww! I think you're both pretty darn hot. Thanks for the good news story — gives me hope that online dating sometimes works. :)