Willoughby VI

"Oh my God… It's full of stars"

I guess I missed that trend growing up in a city that was about 80% hispanic. Everything, especially last names, was very by the numbers. No real unique name I could think of, besides a girl I met once named Genesis. 7 year old me assumed that her parents must have been hardore gamers

Except these were regular people, the kids were in public school. With celebrities its almost a must for them to have weird names.

I'm aware of someone having named their kids Falco, and Champ. Like the n64 character, and like a dog.

You got me. I was just having fun with your earlier sarcasm because I didn't actually want to confront that sexist and racist straw man that you built. Because it is a straw man, by definition. Look it up. I was hoping you'd backtrack from your stupidity, but no. Instead you defended by saying it was just an attack on

"I've been here since 2003, Asshole!" - Samantha Bee

Actually I think in that argument you ended up arguing against yourself.

Except that he does talk about other stuff quite often. Yes fox news is a frequent topic, but saying that "he doesn't talk about anything else, ever" is senseless hyperbole.

"Cause a bitch got books to sell. That's why."

I disagree. I've always found Stewart to be very reliable. Sure there have been many hit or miss Correspondent segments, but at least that way I get to see other comics get a crack at it. Plus I usually stick around for Stewart's interviews, as opposed to Colbert's where it's just grating hearing him talk over the

Whatever they overspend, Stephen Amell is contractually obligated to make up by organizing a local car wash

(Jed Whedon wakes up tied to a chair on the Amazo. An angry Manu Bennet stares back holding jumper cables)

At the very least AoS could have tried aligning a haitus with the release of the movie for a few weeks

eh There have been other shows named after their title characters where the supporting characters actually feel like the protagonists in their own lives. Seinfeld, Frasier, New Girl, off the top of my head. I don't feel that way with the Mindy Project for the most part

"This is a battle for Shield's soul!"

Agents of S.P.O.I.L.E.R.S

Yes I was reading about that too. Not just politics, but it really felt like an ugly bit of racism. No one questioned John McCain, the white american hero for long. It was an academic question more than anything. But for a democratic black candidate who's dad was Kenyan, well they spent a whole lot of time trying to

Besides being firmly in the anti-choice camp/no clear advice on contraception, they don't seem particularly crazy. Unless I missed an article of them bombing a clinic somewhere. And its not surprising Sarah Palin would be a member. But it doesn't really clash with her already known Pro-life Democrat persona.

According to the requirements I could find, it says the candidate has to be a "natural-born citizen".

Question about that stupid birther argument. I looked naturalization laws while watching that episode of 30 rock with Jack's kid. Isn't it that regardless of place of birth, if you're born to American parents you're automatically an American citizen regardless of country of birth? That's the way I read it, and I'm