Willoughby VI

I can't help but remember that sci-fi series where Dinklage played a language expert who could identify where a person was from based on their accent.

I feel like I'm hoping against all odds. Besides Spider man and Venom, I don't care enough about any other characters to want to see a movie about them. And if the trailers for the AMS sequel are any indication, I think that it would suffer from feeling way overstuffed. But I'm crossing my fingers regardless.

Besides the second spider-man, I wasn't too overly fond of the Raimi films. Mary Jane's character arcs/role in the trilogy is even worse on rewatch and it takes up significant time in the movies, while I never thought that Tobey McGuire had much charisma in the role.

Now I'm imagining the Winchesters taking out the pack while rock music plays in the background. That would be very fun.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but in the smithsonian and in the last movie they were referred as either an offshoot nazi organization or a super cult within the nazi organization. So isn't that how history in the Marvel universe remembers them, as Nazis?

AVC had a tv review about it when it first premiered, and since then it's been only lightly mentioned. I recommend you not look into it. I'm usually a sucker for supernatural shows, but season 1 was pretty bad.

I just finished the series, and oh my god it was so bad!!

I liked the movie well enough, great character and action pieces, and the political conspiracy thriller plot was really good… up until the nazis showed up. Well it was nice seeing Zola again, but the reveal that a significant number of shield members were nazis, and that they had the most terrible 'final solution'

If Ted ends up killing Tracy, it would be due to the fumbling of another sword fight between him and Marshall

I just wish they just had a expository sit down with it. Otherwise it just continuously feels like they're making it up as they go along. The books should have had the answer. The zombie thing is weird enough as it is, and it made juliette something was really wrong with Nick.

1) I think the Wesen council seems to be the shadowy, multi species organization that helps keep up the masquerade whenever needed. The kid assassination, destroying historical evidence of Wesen as examples. I would imagine that they would have to be quite powerful if they're to keep things underwraps in the 21st

Why does a king have to defend himself? Because he has to worry about a person close by turning into an orge or shooting fire or radiation at him.

This isn't about being able to kick ass with their own hands. It's about their ability to defend themselves at all. When you aren't able to tell that someone is an ogre with super strength, or a witch with magical powers, that ability is severely compromised. Humans, in this universe, are seen by many Wesen as an

I hope that the Royals aren't just human, that just seems terribly thought out. Why would they have so much power over the Wesen population? Why would they allow it. Wesen, especially old world/predatory wesen, have a dim view of humanity and yet royals seem to employ hordes of them.

After such a long wait, I've been climbing up The Wall just thinking about it.

I'm surprised nobody's made Thea yet. Moira wanted him to get one after he was kidnapped in the pilot. Thea's kidnap count is at least 2 this season, and she's a 19 year old that looks like she barely clocks above 100 lbs

Or (wild theory corner) Thea gets critically injured in the season finale, but Marlyn assures a desperate Oliver that he can still save her, and cue lazarus pit.

Humble Hamm is what his friends called him

I can only assume it was a shout-out to Morissette's "Ironic" coming out the year before.

Recently discovered Scott Lynch. His prose in LoLL instantly won me over. Very funny and charming. I read a few interviews and notes in his second book that really make me like the guy. In the middle of the second one now.