Willoughby VI

Yeah and the Queen family does have a habit about having tense shouting matches about their secrets. I imagine he watches it all with a bowl of popcorn.

I think Lotz is doing great, the mayor plot is a little ridiculous but plays in well enough with the universe that they inhabit. So far I'm just really regretting what little they've done with Thea and Laurel

I agree with you about Slade. He's badass, but I really wish they gave him a better motivation, or at least delved in earlier to his insanity. The Norman Bates-esque Shado hallucination was a nice touch, but came in kind of late and underveloped.

And with the way she keeps pushing for a Romanov film, looks likes she's got the sci-fi bug. With as much of a household name she's become, she can do so many other things. Couldn't be happier about it.

"I'm going to be fine dad, and after this last mission I'm retiring to just be around the family more. I even bought a boat, the Happy 4 Life "

Apparently to the citizens of Starling City, the worst villain of all is boredom

Me too. It was kind of funny how petulant he sounded.

Because those are the only two options?

My point isn't that Ted might, over a decade down the line be "the one" for Robin. But that Robin's endgame love life consisted of waiting for her friend's wife to die over a decade later. By having her end up alone till then, and assumingly be a central part in Ted's life if they're dating, it doesn't feel like

It was a ridiculously dramatic move for sure. Especially after he ended up staying. I would have thought it was pure vindictiveness.

I see it in two parts. 1) having to deal with knowing that the guy you're with doesn't consider you "the one". That would hurt for me.

It does steal the thunder a bit when your newly wed friends have to deal with the knowledge that you hold them responsible for abruptly moving over a thousand miles away

He's learning from the best! At least Ted never told a woman that one day she would say yes to him (that I can remember)

Yes she had a great career from what we saw. I don't know that she did during those years, but last time we saw her she was divorced, bitter, and longing for Ted. Given how omnipresent some of the narration can be, I feel that saying that Ted not being a part of it doesn't excuse how little we were given of her life.

I might be misunderstanding you, but in your descrpition you say that the Mother was the one, and now that she's gone he can now be happy with an almost-but-not-quite relationship.

Officer Boyle has already bought a copy!

Wait, why should Robin settle for being Ted's silver medal?

At the very least, hate-watching it was a hilarious past time. Some of my favorite memories are Debra's worst therapist

One of my biggest hangups this finale was how they dealt with Robin. The character's kind of new as a woman who knows for sure she doesn't want children. Usually the formula is that those characters get pregnant first. I feel like they had a responsibility to show that this kind of character could still have a happy

I'm assuming it was ricin poisoning