Willoughby VI

I think he consciously doesn't know, the way some of his dialogue has been. It's just that his superhuman ability is denial.

I wish that they further elaborated on Thea. She must be the most popular high school kid ever, running a club and all.Or maybe throw in a

I was pretty ambivalent. I figured there was going to be some big twist in the end that would make or break it. Obviously the latter. I was hoping after last week it would be something about the company being somehow responsible for her family's death, something like that.

Slade is going to flip when he finds out about Craigslist

As mostly a non-comic reader, I read your comment and said, "well that's got to just be an unfair exaggeration"

I HATED that line. It really made me dislike her character. Has Slade been calling up Robert's ex girlfriends to see if they want to take out his surviving family and be ninjas?

Alana: Life has gone to hell, Jack. This is real, look at us, kook at me!

I don't know what Andy is, but he fits into the mold with rest of the cast mold by becoming what looks like a succesful children's entertainer, and he had that ridiculous British job rather easily as well. Things are going pretty well for him I'd say

For me the stylistic flourishes are very interesting and unique. But I think they've really gone down the wrong road with their plot.

Don't forget that they now believe that the culprit was a scrawny man with a cane.

I'm not a fan of it either. It's like Meg Griffin cringe humor is starting to become popular. I'm also reminded of Patrice on HIMYM

I tried charting their careers once, and it was more amusing than frustrating. April is a recent college graduate that gave up vet school to work as an assistant to P&R, as well as run an entire Animal Department. Also Ron gave her a cabin for pocket change. She's also been the assistant to a congressional campaign.

I know its been established that she's wealthy, but it's still odd to see. Curious though, have they given a reason as to why she even continuous working in Parks and Rec department?

Yeah that really bothers me too. The last time they actually dealt with the issue was in 2x19, the Park Safety episode, where it was a huge problem about what lengths he was willing to go through to not be further ridiculed.

Two people on this show that I really don't want to see succeed. Mostly Tom though. I would love it if in a future episode while Tom was his asshole schtick to Ben in the office, he just fired him.

The $200 was what bothered me more. They seemed so proud of giving rich people $200 to have the opportunity to slightly annoy them. Also odd that Donna just carried that amount, if not more, in her wallet.

The only thing I even somewhat remember was Jordan on Scrubs admitting to having an abortion decades earlier.

Or who knows, start a trend with "French-Revolution"

Well he only has two avenues available to him. Either as a super soldier spy, or as a guy who robs the local convenience store in his small town

I'd be like that old Donnie and Marie show, only with less sexual tension.