Willoughby IV

I realize the more I see of this universe that I have no idea how Asgardian society works, let alone their power stats/abilities. I mean one second lorelei casually backhands a guy into a car 20 feet away. Another Sif has to spend a minute fighting four bikers.

I liked what they did with Doug. Yes he was creepy as all hell, but I don't think the show wants him to "get the girl". I also don't think its wrong for the show to try to make us feel sympathy for him. He's a man who's life is held up by his constant work and devotion to frank underwood, he deals with addiction, and

Hi career goal of "making a difference" for the environment has been part of him a lot longer than that, which is heavily tied to a judgeship. It was a higher calling for him. Family and career aren't mutually exclusive options.

She's scared, her character has developed because of Zoe's death. I think its unfair to criticize a show for character development.

PDN's ears start burning

"Likewise, Peter learning that Malia is his daughter is also a big plot point."

Is it in any way a good show?

True, this might be the only chance they do this in a while. But Marshall will be unemployed for a year, Lily will be most likely going back to teaching. Marshall is giving up a huge opportunity he very well (in a nonsitcom universe) wouldn't be getting again. There is no guarantee when Marshall will find another job

I admit I have very little experience with pregnancy. I just remember my sister around the seventh month had trouble standing for any significant periods of time. I realize I also have no idea what the hell she's going to be doing in Italy. Part of me really wants to imagine it as actual work. Daily visits to museums

were you also straight edge to the core? or just to the slightly outer surface. Apparently its an important distinction

wow, philosophical bros say the oddest things

I dont even own an OWN !

I never understood that. I grew up reading Tamora Pierce books and I never felt a disconnect.

I hope y'all said yes. Call me old fashioned, but there's just somethings that have to be done the way our forefathers did it. And an all-dude three-way with a ghost in a gimp suit is one of those things

Misstah A!


maybe in this universe that Batman never got around to installing guard railing in the batcave

How does that that's in any way give credence to a far reaching trend, let alone a new gospel where men everywhere have to be the one sacrificing?

How did he use her to resurrect himself again? I completely forgot. It was quite a trudge of an almost season long arc

Oh for sure a straw feminist take down.