Willoughby IV

I meant that he's not really a factor for Oliver. He doesn't have to deal with the stress of Merlyn trying to kidnap Thea like Moira does.

She at least knows that Oliver was tortured at one point on the island that substituted as a prison. The world is usually crueler to stranded women, Laurel should have asked instead of making it about Sara betraying her.

Who was telling her that Blood was pure evil, besides that woman in the mental institution? Her stay Sebastian himself payed for, and she called him the devil, Not exactly a reliable witness.

Great episode, so much good stuff, but I got to say they've really wasted Mrs. Lance so far.

So agree. Pot, kettle. Besides, this is a lie that changes nothing at all. Oliver doesn't even know Malcolm is alive! I don't understand his anger

He explained it away. It was odd, but hardly incriminating.

Small nitpick, but "T.R.A.C.K.S"? This isn't "the kid's next door" people.

But she, nor everybody else, has no reason to suspect Blood at all! She shouldn't get points for blindly giving in to her probably drug-induced paranoia

I hate their gun policy, big part of why I can't take them seriously. The number of times they willingly get into hand-to-hand fights is ridiculous. The 'night-night' guns are a terrible way to keep it kid friendly.

Instead of having a team with essentially three Wesley Crushers on board, I would love it if the crew had more of a Mass Effect 2 thing going on with a team of expert misfits.

Even the Canadian show, Continuum, has great choreography. And I don't think they're rolling in it..

Apparently in the future puns will be the highest form of humor, either that or True Blood vampires are the behind the insyndicate.

Yeah he was, and it does seem pretty unlikely. But since she was likely possessed, I have to imagine that there was some significance in her death.

Yeah you're right its full of holes, but its the only guess I could think of that might have any consequences to these characters. It wouldn't be that impactful if it was something like corruption, since we have no reason to like him.

Finally an episode that establishes that not only the mx's can be a useful peacekeeping tool, but one with badass android fights. It's like a peek into Dr. Kriegar 's mind.

Eh, I needed more than a few throwaway lines when this intro lead to a scene where the cops basically said

I imagine that Stiles' mom was similarly possessed, and maybe papa mccall's secret is that he was the one that killed her.

Another good episode. B+ for me. I guess I enjoyed the exposition more than most, the last thing this show needs is another season with the convoluted mythos and plotting as seen with the kanima of season 2. It felt good to lay down the mythos and then let the characters drive the story.

Fanwanking, but it wouldn't be too crazy that by possessing stiles, that nogitsune could have a direct link to the power of that druid tree

Also: Wesley Windham-Pryce