Willoughby IV

How would John be implicated though, especially with any competent forensic techniques? Ballistics, gun powder residue, a lack of weapon, a lack of motive for shooting his best friend.

Except that the humanity switch stops working after a while, and you gave to deal with all the guilt of the things you did with the humanity switch, Counter bam!

A Matt-2-D-2, if you will.

unless you're on The Originals

If you listen close to the night sky, you can hear clacking of millions of keys as some very dark, and very hardcore fan fiction is being written.

On their face changing, well off the top of my head Stefan regularly had vamp face when interacting with Elena in season 1, and later when any of them were particularly hungry. I still think that there's room enough for just heightened emotions. If he had walked up to her while transformed, took a swing, then I would

Yeah Maslany wins by default. She has to act as so many more characters, act with blank spaces where those characters will later be added, and of course adds distinct accents as well to each performance.

heh, just imagined multitudes of Sirius Black-esque escapes from prison.

I don't know if I'm misremembering, but I thought that Fuller wanted to avoid sexual violence on his show. If so, I wonder how this character will be drawn.

Ah just remembered that this is another week in inconsistent vampire power levels.

Yup, Tyler freed them from the compulsion, but Klaus still expected their complete obedience.

At the time, Klaus was keeping him and the other hybrids enslaved.

The best part is that for the last 25 years Cyborg-Matt has only been able to speak in a series of beeps, and no one has noticed a thing.

Still pretty calm in comparison to how bad it could have been. He didn't call her names,he reminded her of what Klaus did (the only shaming part), and then told her to get out.

I don't think that this is a puritanical matter. I thought of it as a betrayal of Caroline's character and a betrayal of all her friends that have suffered terribly because of Klaus, Tyler specifically. And I'm at least glad that this show doesn't forget what Klaus did, as opposed to when this universe developed

I don't think he was threatening her. His yellow eyes seemed to be a physiological reaction to his anger. The same way I don't judge the vampire crew when they get all veiny face when talking to people.

As long as "Supernova Girl" is playing in the background.

"If anything happens, find me first" - The way the actor delivers that line, with full desperation and caring, still gets a little dust in my eye when I think about it.

What stuartsaysstop said. It's very interesting watching a show with an inversion in the usual male gaze. On actual relationships, it exists in the background mostly, which is a little sad. The show's been getting better about it though so I'm hoping things change.

What's particularly sad about their relationship is that if you remove all the Supernatural trappings, this is totally a kind of relationship that exists in the real world. Uber violent boyfriend with a painfully forgiving girlfirend that just needs to get away from all of it.