Willoughby IV

Thanks for the info. How do contract renewals work usually, especially on the CW? Can they extend it for a set amount of years, like 1 or 2?

haha, can you imagine? That would be glorious! On TO, I would be disappointed if Klaus doesn't die in the end, but at the very least, Rebekah and Marcel are pretty interesting to me right now, and there's also Elijah. Klaus is the worst part of that show.

It's a curious thought, I don't see them doing anything particularly new, and as this season and the last has shown, they're not doing well layering in mythology either

It's a shame. And yes, so much about the earlier seasons were tied into mystic falls due to the past events in the 19th century, and how that led to the founder's council in the modern day. But at this point it feels like the town has been pretty much gutted. No more council, Forbes is the only parent left in town,

She would, but she's been doing for a while, she had a house, and her and ben just bought a new one. I'm not saying its impossible for them to throw around money like this. But it's just happening so often now in really ridiculous grand gestures that it takes me out of the show. Feels more unrealistic in this small

I swear that there was some interview of someone hinting as much, but I can't really recall. Or maybe I just imagined it. At least in college Buffy committed to it for that year, and had the Magic Box as a new group hangout later on, and characters were at least evolving.

-Here specifically, but Leslie's constantly been handing out very expensive gifts to her friends in the last few years, as well as her Scotland gift to Ron, and Ben's Paris trip to her this year, off the top of my head.

I found Damon's plan around it hilariously devious. It made Wes look like an idiot

On Wes, they should model him more from either Walter Biship, or at least Van Helsing on NBC's Dracula. It's not hard to sympathize with human villains, when we have vampires like Damon slaughtering their whole families on a grudge, and the rest just not giving a crap. They just need write the humans with more

I wouldn't call Jeremy or Bonnie's survival fan service, considering the usual Jeremy apathy and Bonnie-hate.

Personally, I think I'd go with Chris Issac's Wicked Games, though that would really lay all the cards out on the table real quick

I was really confused about that. How was Enzo not rolling around screaming from the acid blood in his ENTIRE BODY!

Good comparison. It's interesting when people talk about redemption arcs for characters on this show, but these characters never really redeem themselves or know the real meaning of the word. They just feel bad and stop killing people for a year or two. I miss the times when redemption actually meant something is what

This show is, at its core, a dumb show. Especially with anything tied to its main love triangle. There's no way of getting around that while watching it. Many of the lines and motivations are nonsensical, though there is some good stuff floating around the edges that keep really confused and curious as to how the

It's weird, lately I've begun to dislike a lot of things in Parks and Rec. I probably shouldn't let these bother me too much in a sitcom, but here it is.

Or even to compel him to remember all the things he'd forgotten under compulsion. Not surprising though, these kids aren't usually the smartest tools in the shed

I've seen that bullet and it's pretty crazy, but it's still just something that just course corrects, not banking around a city searching for a single person, which bothers me on a fundemental level, I don't know why.

Come on man, you can give any out of context plot point derisively to make it sound stupid, especially scify/fantasy.

I did not like the smart bullet at all. They pretty much made a small drone that had to be continuously moving at bullet speed, and somehow not hit anything or anyone, while still finding a moving target in a city.

One Caranobot to rule them all, One Caranobot to find them, One Caranobot to bring them all and in the darkness bind them.