Will McAvoy

Correct me if I am wrong, but I thought it was the Ebencheezer Bleu-ge Burger.

C’mon son

Saw Coco, and I haven’t stopped crying.

(I still cried far less than I did at Inside Out...)

Back to the Future theme had what I like to call “Hoosiers flourishes” but it was clean and tonally different from the rest of the score. I don’t think the Avengers theme was that in the first movie. I think they’ve finally hit the sweet spot for me now.

Now you’re basically accusing me of lying about you. What page from the Trump playbook are you going to use next? You’re already:
A. Denying meaning what your words make it clear you meant.
B. Namecalling rather than offering substance.
C. Claiming that someone is lying about you when, no, they’re not.

Ah, the condescending person who is upset he was called out for his bullshit returns after a brief absence. I’m sorry that you feel the need to call everyone who disagrees with you some sort of childish nickname. Gee, where have I heard that one before?

1. And plenty of people have said, no, that was your point. And you’ll pardon me if I pass on trusting the reading comprehension of a guy who minutes earlier had posted about “Stephen Cuckbert”. I’m not sure why you think them supporting you helps your in this case.

2. You used plenty of names other than snowflake that

1. That was your stance. Your stance was that the grade of this review was based on the political views of the reviewer. To support that claim you provided exactly no evidence and ignored everything they said. Then, when someone challenged you on this and suggested that perhaps it was your personal views that are

Thank you for being a fan, guy who thinks ‘cuck’ puns are clever.

His stance was: This review is biased against conservatives.... wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh then he called other people snowflakes. He has no self-awareness, and if you can’t see that, neither do you.

You mean like his comment that ignored the entire article it was posted on, which raised several criticisms and basically said the episode didn’t work as a whole, and then assumed his conclusions were based on the political beliefs of the author of the piece?

For a second there I was wondering what J.K. Simmons had done.

Your behavior makes it clear.

Season 5 disagrees.

The early buzz for Molly’s Game is really good.

I really am sorry that I hurt your feelings, though.

I confront my fears on a pretty regular basis, otherwise I wouldn’t have responding to your condescending diatribe that has absolutely zero sense of self-reflection, you poor snowflake that gets mad when people call you out on your repetition of stupid talking points, like the poor little sad crybaby victim you are.

You know he’s got a movie coming about that’s about a female lead character, and that’s how this question came up in the first place, right?

I think it’s terrifying that you believe all the bullshit you just spewed.

Are you an alt?