Will McAvoy

I’m sorry you were offended by me correctly labeling your ‘conservatives are the real victims here because this review is clearly biased against them even though I’m not actually a conservative even though all I do is repeat conservative talking points ad nasueum’ nonsense for what it is.

Don’t call me kiddo, you condescending ass.

Yeah, no one is buying the “both sides are bad, vote Republican” bullshit these days, and you’re just repeating a tired conservative talking point about liberals being unwilling to take criticism when it has clearly been shown that you have an inability to take criticism yourself, and your condescending “kiddo” at the

You mean someone acting on an assumption of your political motivation and retroactively applying to your situation and accusing you of bias is annoying? Shocking.

I disagree with your assessment. The Avengers theme falls in the middle of an extended track, amidst a score that never does anything surprising. But hey, it worked for you before. It didn’t work for me until just now.

Yes, everything is a great conspiracy against conservatives, which is why the Republican President still enjoys great support from his party is still in office despite openly admitting to intentionally walking into the changing rooms of underage beauty pageants while any number of other people are losing their jobs.


I think it was reverse engineered to match the Mothers Against Canada acronym from the movie.

I thought it mostly worked there, but there was so much going on in that theme and I don’t think that, when I left the movie, I was going to be humming it like Jurassic Park, Star Wars or Back to the Future.

It’s been in my head all day today.

I think this is the first time it has really worked, but man, it really worked in this trailer.

Two nominations for Jason Isbell and the 400 Unit, too. Bummed “If We Were Vampires” wasn’t nominated for Song of the Year, but I know a lot of people still haven’t heard it.

And you just described metacritic.

Eh, more like two and a half.

Agent Remington Cock

Or Jaws

Huck and Olivia are the obvious choices, so of course it’s going to be David Rosen.

I would watch the hell out of this show.

I have a bizarre affinity for the Mr. Magoo version of ‘The Christmas Carol’.

That’s from <i>The Muppet Movie</i>.

At the time Muppet Christmas Carol was released, it had more dialogue taken directly from Dickens than any other adaptation (because Gonzo was reading Dickens original prose).

I got a *your mom* notification for this?