
Diablo 3 seems to have some issues with certain graphics cards in OS X. I'm guessing they'll eventually patch it. Luckily, the radeon 6770m in my Macbook Pro isn't among them... runs wonderfully.

Visit the Beltline in Calgary, and that'll give you a rough idea of what ~9000 people/square kilometre feels like. The West End of downtown has something like 18000 people/square kilometre. It really isn't that crowded. The difference here is that as soon as you leave the inner city, the population density drops to

I disagree on the town portal thing. It is damn near impossible to cast a town portal in the middle of a battle and bugger off to safety. The cast time is way too long. The old tactic of quickly casting one near a boss, and leaving it open in case you need to flee to safety flat out doesn't work anymore. Overall, I

Well said. As racist/sexist/homophobic old assholes die off, younger, more progressively-minded folks will help equal things out bit by bit. Speaking from a Canadian perspective, the extent to which it has happened already makes this article seem un-necessarily scathing. Sort of preaching to the choir while torching

Well that sucks. I must've gotten pretty lucky then. My late 2011 15" Macbook Pro (1gb 6770m) is handling it to my satisfaction. I've capped the framerate at 30fps to avoid tearing and to keep my fans from going all jet engine on me. But, I'm happy with the performance. Can I actually expect a performance boost, or is

I've experimented a lot with this over the years. Recording and engineering/mixing my own music has also given me some added perspective on all this. Unless the speakers/headphones I'm using are godawful, I go with a flat eq. I typically listen to music on my iPhone or on my laptop through an audio interface and

Very, very well put. Completely sums up my point of view. I'm Canadian, so I guess statistically I'm not surrounded by as many obese/overweight people. But, man, when I went to the US for two weeks two years ago, I was immediately struck by the fact that I didn't encounter a single slim person. Literally (this is not

Given how much I enjoyed Star Craft 2, I have quite a bit of faith in Blizzard's ability to recapture the magic of the original. Diablo 3 will certainly have a different feel to it, much like 2 did compared to 1. But, I'm pretty sure there will be enough unifying elements that it will still feel like a Diablo game.

I think the state of Mac gaming is perfectly acceptable for a CASUAL PC gamer. By that I mean, if you're mainly interested in playing the bigger/biggest titles (Diablo 3, Starcraft 2, Warcraft, Valve games), you'll likely do alright. These games tend to scale pretty well, so having a dedicated graphics card is more of

I'm pretty impressed. Some excellent choices. But, also some glaring omissions:

Difficult to pin this down for me. First, I would've voted for the Xperia S, but I guess I'm too late for that.

I've tried the test here and there using my Audio-Technica ATH-M50 headphones and my Mackie MR5 monitors.

Nice! I've been wondering when we'd see some signs of this. Despite the weird physics, I thoroughly enjoyed Episode 1 on my PS3 and iPhone. And Generations, for that matter. So, I'll be picking this up.

I'll admit, I have about all the Sony stuff I want right now... PS3, Vita, and a 15 year old clock radio. Should I get a new TV anytime soon, it'll probably be a Sharp or Samsung.

The "making you work to turn it off" thing is nothing new, but quite effective. It basically forces you to turn on your brain, ensuring that by the time you've shut the damn thing off, you won't just fall asleep again.

Most recently, Skyrim. It isn't bad or anything. But, 60 bucks for a game I ended up finding generally dull, lifeless, and buggy... not exactly the definition of good value. The strange thing is, I really wanted to like it. I liked Oblivion. I LOVED Fallout 3. Yet, with Skyrim, Bethesda just became somehow too

I use a case on my iPhone 4S for one thing: When I'm doing something particularly outdoorsy... hiking or something. I figure if I'm generally more surrounded by rocks and dirt, it will probably help.

Heh, just bought one yesterday. I feel pretty good about that decision:

My version. You'll find it more comprehensive and having a higher concentration of me being right:

I gave it a fair chance to woo me. Downloaded the consumer preview as soon as it became available and spent a few hours messing around with it. I agree on basically every point. Metro is great on mobile devices. I genuinely like Windows Phone 7, despite being a happy iOS user. But, it basically sucks on a desktop