
As long as the digital equivalents are actually cheaper, I'm down. Steam does a great job of this. Besides used games, they do tend to offer the best deals by far. Digital content is definitely cheaper to manufacture and transmit than physical copies. I'd like it if prices reflected that. I wouldn't mind spending a

After the price drop, the 3DS became a lot more attractive, that's for sure. But, I can't see myself getting one. And that's entirely because I'd really only be buying it for Mario Land 3D and Mario Kart. I have nothing against the 3DS itself, but it's the catalogue of games that always ultimately sells me.

As someone who has had to take a course on this, and has read his fair share of papers... I absolutely loathe this style of writing (Dumbleflumpher, 1982). It can take something you're highly interested in, and make it suicide-incudingly boring (Arglebornis, 1995). It's entirely possible to convey the facts in a

I like how the One S, the "small" cousin of the One X, is still absolutely enormous. At the rate these Android phones are growing, people will probably be walking around with Dell Streak sized "phones" within a year.

Some of us really do need the protein shakes, unfortunately. I have a pretty difficult time putting on muscle, and I also lose it pretty quickly. My appetite isn't enormous, so it isn't exactly practical for me to eat 4 steaks a day. Having 2-3 scoops of whey protein per day has definitely helped me put on some

I've played all manner of electronic games on the toilet since I was like 8. Not once in those 16 years have I dropped anything in the toilet. If you do it right, the entire basin is rather covered by your ass...

Well put, and totally not long.

Metro is more deeply integrated than you describe. It isn't simply a matter of not using it. I've spent a decent amount of time with the consumer preview, and it most definitely rears its head pretty frequently.

When I'm sick. My co-workers don't want me at work when I'm sick, so I gladly oblige and spend the day at home walking around in a sleeping bag. As far as I know, I don't get a finite amount of sick days. So, I'm not going to abuse it... too much.

Well that's lame and totally unnecessary. But, as someone who will be playing this on a Mac, I guess I can count myself pretty lucky that my first language is English and my second language is German...

Some excellent points there, and I'll add another that was pointed out to me in the original post a few days ago: Some phones have rather awful sound quality.

Music. Definitely.


When I transitioned from XP to Windows 7 on my old desktop, the Libraries absolutely infuriated me. Since I transitioned my entire old folder hierarchy from my old XP machine to Windows 7, and I originally had no idea what Libraries were... lets just say I ultimately had no idea where half my files actually existed. I

I have to agree, at least to some extent. I still want my desktop to look, well... nice. But, for me, all it really takes is a pretty wallpaper. I generally just have my dock on it. Occasionally I'll have a few icons on it as well, but only really important things that I need to address immediately.

I have an iPhone 4S. I have a case for it, but I only really use it when I'm out hiking or something. Otherwise, the phone is naked, and it's just fine. I don't drop my phones, and I dedicate a pocket on whatever I'm wearing to the phone and only the phone. So, scratches haven't been an issue at all. The thing still

"Hate it" is rather strong. They're on the right track with this, but to me, it feels like they're doing a few fundamental things wrong. Metro just feels dumbed down and unintuitive on a desktop PC with a mouse and keyboard. I'm sure it's excellent on a tablet, though. The desktop mode feels sort of gimped compared to

Well. I need to play this again. Now. Man I hope it'll run in Windows 7...

For me it's been sort of a "straw that's broken the camel's back". It took GT5 to come out before I bought a PS3. Not sure what it'll be for the Vita... could be Gravity Rush...

That's my plan. Gravity Rush really intrigues me, and I'll have to play Uncharted. Not to mention the rather vast PSP back-catalogue. But, I need just a little bit more. One or two "oh shit, must play!" games. I have no doubt it'll happen. It could be pretty soon too. I wouldn't mind if that moment coincided with a