
I went through a similarly convoluted cycle. Console gamer (Original Gameboy, Sega Genesis, Sony Playstation) > PC Gamer (1999-2010... 11 years of self built desktops) > Console gamer (2010-2011 (PS3, Vita) > A weird middle ground (present... PS3, Vita, Macbook Pro).

Awesome! I've been enjoying Guild Wars 2 in bootcamp, but rebooting just to play a game can get tedious. Tedious to the point that I often just don't bother playing. I've been trying to get it running in Wine, but could never get it working to my satisfaction.

Ah rioters. I don't care what they claim to be protesting... they're scum. All of them. Immoral, disgusting, hate filled, shit stains of people. They just found another excuse to break stuff, steal shit, and hurt random people. Make their dicks feel nice and big. I have nothing against a peaceful protest. Hell, in the

Heh. I own a Vita, play it frequently, but almost never play it on the train. I think I really just prefer listening to music and looking out the window while on the train...

Gotta say: I'm intrigued. I ditched my gaming PC a while ago in favour of my PS3, and I'm largely happy with that decision. It's just easier most of the time, and certainly more comfortable. My 15" Macbook Pro can handle the scraps that remain... the games that just don't work without a mouse and keyboard. That said,

Yeah, that's more what I meant. There are certainly a few downsides to the idea. It would presumably need some system resources set aside to run the "mini-OS within an OS", like a VM. But, it would give users way more freedom when it comes to what they play their games on.

It's worth a try. Ubuntu feels a lot closer to OS X than Windows does, so I doubt it would be much of a struggle. And, it's not like you have to give up OS X. I certainly wouldn't... it's still my OS of choice. But, dual booting into Ubuntu, a (free!) operating system I actually like to play my games, instead of

Windows, at this point, is a pretty stable, solid OS. It performs well, it's secure. After Vista, they finally woke up and focused a lot on the under the hood stuff. My experiences with Windows 8 have shown an increase in performance over Windows 7.

Would be nice. But, even if that isn't the case, I'd still rather just install a free Ubuntu partition to run my games on than having to pay money for a copy of Windows. And not just because Ubuntu is free, but because I legitimately like it a lot more than Windows anyway.

I'm not sure on the wristbands, but...

This depends heavily on the device. I went with 32gb on my iPhone because I do actually keep my music library on it. Had iCloud not existed, I would've gone with the 64gb version. But, iTunes Match has enabled me to scale back a bit.

Pretty much. Whenever I eat Vietnamese, Chinese, or Japanese, unless I'm supplying my own chop sticks, they get rubbed together. It isn't some practice all the cool kids are doing or something. It's purely functional. Only the nicest of disposable chopsticks I've come across aren't a splintery mess upon breaking them.

I have to admit. As soon as I read the headline I burst out laughing. I feel sort of bad about it, but... yeah. Lulz.

Seems a bit extreme to me. I bought a Vita a few months ago. I've still barely scratched the surface of my list of games I intend to play on it. Maybe I'm weird, though. Maybe I don't play games nearly as much as other people. 5 titles I want to play can easily last me over a year... and the Vita has a lot more to

Kick-Ass was weird for me. Chloe Moretz and Nicholas Cage made the movie for me. They were awesome. Kick-Ass himself, all his friends, and the entire rest of the cast... I actively disliked.

I too own one of each of the four categories. PS3, Vita, iPhone, and my computer. Right now, the Vita is getting the majority of my attention. After that, probably my PC... Diablo III has ensured that for a little while. Then PS3. Really, between those three, all it takes to move one into the top spot is an awesome

The main strategy I use, is to not drink the coffee at the office. It's perfectly good. But, I don't let myself have it so I have to actually get up, leave the office, and go for a little walk through downtown to grab a cup of coffee. It costs money, but it's definitely worth the 10 or 15 minutes of actual movement.

I don't know anymore. I was an exclusively PC gamer for like a decade. I bought a PS3 in 2010 and have been enjoying it for a while. There's something more relaxed about gaming on a console. It's just easier in some ways. Dealing with all the usual unreliabilities and work associated with PC ownership had just become

Once this support is enabled, I'll definitely be taking the opportunity to fill a few gaps in my gaming experience. FF VII is one of them. Xenogears is another. For whatever reason, playing them on my PS3 feels a bit off to me. Playing it on my Vita, on the other hand, seems much more appealing for some reason.

I ran into this issue trying to shoot some of my friend's rifles a few weeks ago. I'm right handed, but left eye dominant apparently. When shooting a rifle with a scope, I had no issues, as I just naturally used my left eye. But, when it came time to use iron sights, I was trying to line everything up with my left