
Backup: I plug in my Time Machine drive once a week, more or less. My laptop is my only computer, and I do bring it with me to work and stuff. So, keeping regular backups is definitely in my best interest.

While I haven't been into portable gaming for a good 10 years or so, I fully agree. Back in the day, I had a Gameboy Color and a Playstation. I never once thought "man, I wish I could play Pokemon Red or Wario Land on my Playstation". I spent a lot of my gaming time just sitting on the couch, the TV and Playstation

I don't mind gloss. But it shouldn't be black. The only acceptable place for black gloss is on a TV or something. Any device that you're actually expected to touch shouldn't be glossy and black. White works much better. It keeps the sheen without looking like a smudgy piece of shit if you blink at it.

Yeah, that's my reasoning. My dad has a C2D Air, and while that version was a HUGE improvement over the original, the addition of the i5/7 processors as opposed to the already then dated C2Ds helped it truly cross the niche/popular threshold... in my opinion, at least.

Out of these options: Macbook Air and Kindle Fire, IMO. This year's Macbook Air transformed the ultra book from a niche item into a viable, potentially primary computer for a lot of people.

Nice! I quite enjoyed episode 1, both on PS3 and iOS. The physics changes he mentioned will go a long way to make it feel like the Genesis games again. I do hope they put some new, original levels in there though..

Figured I'd register my opinion now that I watched it (and had a day to mull it over):

"As though a character that watched his mother die wouldn't be broken down by it."

I agree with the up-speaker. Do people actually look at Tidus there and think "he looks like a woman"?

This is very interesting. That sort of resolution could give me quite a lot of screen real estate to work with on a laptop screen (presumably with hidpi mode off, I guess). Though, this would necessitate playing basically every game ever at non-native resolution, which sort of sucks.

We'll see how I like this...

I'll get one eventually, I think. The prospect of portable gaming is appealing more to me again. The launch titles are a nice start, but I want a bit more than that before I spend the money. And I'm sure the first price drop will come along relatively quickly.

Holy crap that's ugly. The ribbon and all the duplicated functionality scattered throughout it is taking up a good 1/4 of the damn window!

To feel great, I need 9 hours of sleep. If I get half an hour more than that, I start to feel lethargic. If I get less than 9 hours, well, ditto. I can usually make do with 8 hours, but it isn't ideal. I usually have a massive afternoon crash with 8 hours, but I can work through it usually. Less than 8 hours and I

Ah the wonders of polarizing microscopes. I spent a good chunk of my geology degree ruining my vision looking through those. It's amazing how good of a diagnostic tool the various optical properties of a mineral can be.

I've at some point clicked "like" on at least three of these videos:

And that is why I can't wait for the traditional network TV model to fuck right off.

This is one of many reasons that the ocean scares the shit out of me.

Well put. As far as I'm concerned, Siri does exactly what it's advertised to do. Voice recognition and the like is a long way from being perfect, but Siri is definitely the best implementation I've ever come across on a phone. I've always thought voice recognition was a total gimmick... fundamentally useless because

Seconded. Damn near everything that comes out of this guy's mouth is pure gold. It's pretty interesting to see him look back on the whole cyberpunk and virtual reality thing as well. No Maps for these Territories sets the stage very nicely for the Bigend trilogy.