
I don't think people realize they're doing this. Crappy earbuds especially absolutely suck at keeping outside noise out, so you have to crank the volume to really hear the music properly.

Those are some interesting priorities... sewage system? Nah... 800 meter skyscraper... chyeah!

I really like the hardware on this. I'd personally consider it on par with the iPhone's design, without even remotely copying it. It retains all the elements of good design that the iPhone has, but does it completely in its own way.

Being a morning person definitely helps things. If you can wake up early enough to beat traffic and not feel like garbage, you definitely have a few more options. Unfortunately, I'm the polar opposite of a morning person :p

The underside of the toilet seat in that photo is nauseating.

Commuting ruins lives.

That definitely sounds like a better approach. I know several people with an HTC Desire. It was pretty high end a year or so ago, but even today, it's still a good, reliable phone (save for the fact that it won't be seeing any new updates). I'd definitely recommend a former flagship device like that over a new but low

Not exactly a revelation. Cheap phones are cheap.

Cool... but I'll stick with Logic. I need support for maaaaany more time signatures than 3/4 and 6/8 (5/4, 17/8, 7/8, 9/8...), for one thing. And, well, my Macbook can barely handle all the software instruments I use. I doubt an iPhone (or iPad) could do any better.

I just noticed this on my brand new iPhone. What. The. FUCK!? You'd think a company like Apple that gets off on good design could centre a fucking 1. I will never buy another Apple product again. I'm migrating everything off my Macbook, throwing it in the nearest dumpster, buying a Thinkpad, and installing Ubuntu on

This would be very cool. Could be very tempting...

Sounds pretty good! The S2 is supposed to have awesome battery life from what I hear. I'm not claiming the battery life I'm seeing is amazing or anything. It just hasn't even come close to letting me down yet, even though it's still new and I'm constantly playing with it. And, for the purposes of the poll, it

Mine's been fine. On a typical weekday, I unplug it in the morning at 7:30 or so with a full charge. By the end of the day when I go to bed (23:00ish), it's usually down to 30-50%, depending on how much I play with it. This usually involves listening to a cumulative hour or two of music through headphones, surfing the

I too am actually in a similar situation. Just replace "Xbox 360" with "gaming desktop". I haven't powered the thing on in like a month. I played ME1 and 2 on it, and enjoyed the hell out of both. Used the same save for both. But, I'm feeling more like selling/giving away the desktop, and getting ME3 for PS3 (this is

Well, I'll be getting this for PS3...

I think Netbooks are relegated to niche duty now. Their original appeal was that they were a cheap, bare-bones computer. Before tablets, that appealed to two core groups:

Based on these screenshots:

This would be very nice indeed. If I could have two hard drives in a 15" Macbook Pro, I could actually use it quite nicely for recording... running everything (Logic, samples, and project files) off one hard drive is growing tiresome. This option could save me from having to get a desktop Mac of some kind.

Fun fact: VW actually made a VR5 engine for a while. Same configuration as their VR6, which was sort of a staggered straight 6, but with 5 cylinders. Pretty rare, though.

Lol... ugh. I guess time and screen size is supposed to correlate?