
This guy has a lot of computers! Macbook Pro, Macbook Air, iMac, Mac Pro... and I think I see an iPad as well. Must be nice to have money ;)

The Macbook Air does actually have a fan (according to iFixit, at least). And HTC isn't Korean ;)

I'll have to respectfully disagree. I've been using ribbon-equipped Office for quite a while now. I don't particularly like it. To me, it's just a bunch of visual clutter that takes up a lot of space. I can see how people like it. But, my brain doesn't work that way. It needs more clear-cut organization than the

What I use depends on the quantity. For small notes or lists, I'll use the note application on my phone. For anything bigger, I'll either just type it up in a word processor or write it down on paper. I'll use the latter mainly if I'm drawing diagrams or something.

Heh. Even when it was first released, I can't say I ever really cared for Counter-Strike. I doubt that will change, what with my complete aversion to anything multiplayer these days. To me, Valve's appeal will always be in the Half Life and Portal series. Just not into the tactical military multiplayer shooter

I don't find it all that concerning that one company that has been making some of the worst computers out there for years might be calling it quits. There are a decent amount of actually GOOD (Windows) PC manufacturers out there. HP might be a big name, but we aren't really losing much if they call it quits... If

I agree with a lot of this. The nerd part really is the best, though. There's a fine line between getting the most out of your technology and useless fiddling (accompanied by completely unfounded arrogance).

YOU! Stop it with your logic!

The same thing applies to me. MGS4 is the first and only MGS game I've played. And, I'd actually count it among my favourite games ever. Definitely looking forward to this HD collection!

Shame about WebOS. It was a great OS with loads of potential.

It's official: I have absolutely no reason to care about graphics anymore. All of those screenshots (save Little Deviants) look really damn good to me. I'd have to go through a lot of effort to distinguish between that and PS3 level graphics.

Something I'll never understand... the relentless pursuit of absolutely stupid levels of bass, all to make the music sound exponentially worse and completely unintelligible. The other 19930hz (give or take) of a song matter too!

Shooters in general used to make me motion sick if I played them for too long. I haven't had it as bad lately... could just be because I don't play as many shooters anymore. I think it depends a lot on the style of shooter, though. Slower paced, more stealth oriented shooters were always fine (like Deus Ex). But, I

Agreed. On the stupid scale, I'd equate this with half the internet wishing death on Justin Bieber for making his music. It's just ridiculous. I don't get how it's somehow OK to treat someone like crap because you don't like something they've made. Nor do I understand how disliking the art someone produces

I've been drinking boxed wine for years. Like with bottled wine, a lot of it sucks, but some of it doesn't. My day-to-day wine is of the boxed variety, and it definitely doesn't suck.

Hilarious. That is one of the most pointless pursuits I've ever seen.

I suppose I'm a geek. But, frankly, I barely use my gaming rig. It's enormous, it runs an operating system I don't like (so it can play games, of course), and I'm just as happy (happier, really) doing all my computing on my Macbook. I'm pretty demanding on this thing... mostly in the form of recording with Logic, and

I had to look up what an ultrabook was. When I see "ultra", I think enormous and powerful. I didn't know people were calling the likes of the Macbook Air that. But, I thoroughly agree. The Macbook Air (and others like it) are everything a laptop should be. Really damn portable, pretty powerful, fast and small storage,

The last one. Fuck IM. That's what I do. I haven't used it in years. A simple text is all I need. If I want to have a deeper conversation, I'll go with a phone call. IM inhabits a useless middle-ground for me.

I pretty much loathe glossy black. It looks good for about half a second... then it's just a fingerprint encrusted, dusty mess. Matte or satin black are where it's at.