
They are pretty good. My mom is still using my old MX510. All it ever really takes to keep it working wonderfully is a bit of a cleaning with rubbing alcohol. Though, honestly, I prefer my Razer Imperator. The shape and the texture are just perfect for me.

Indeed. To expand on that, I don't really know where they're going to go with the small ones either. Looking at the iPod nano in particular, I don't see what they could really improve. I mean, they've concentrated the formula down to something pretty specific: A decent amount of music on something both very small and

I'm guessing Apple usually did the iPod thing to clear out inventory... make room for the new iPods usually released in September. So, this may indicate that the iPods won't be getting much attention in September. I think that makes sense. Given time, smartphones will likely completely replace stand-alone media

In the US, unless you're traveling, I'd say no. It's not like it get you any additional freedom when it comes to carriers. In Canada, I think it can be worth it. I mean, the same iPhone would work with all the big carriers (Telus, Rogers, Bell), the more regional ones (MTS, Sasktel, etc..), and all the budget versions

It would help with what arcticfox012 said above. Also, I find it easier to initially mount the motherboard. You can just remove the tray, stick it on a table, and start screwing the motherboard in place without having to work within the case. If the case is big enough, it isn't that necessary. But on smaller cases,

As someone who has built more computers than he can count and hated every second of it: Don't skimp on the case. The easier it is to work on, the better.

I don't disagree on any particular point. iOS does lack the raw power of Android. But, that raw power only matters if you care about it. Again, to be very clear: I like Android. I just don't think it's the ideal solution for me.

6 years of experience have taught me the exact opposite. I've always done better in classes that didn't start early. Not feeling like a sack of shit all day because I didn't have to get up so damn early really, really helps me think better! And I wasn't your stereotypical college drunk. I have a glass of red wine

Hit the nail on the head. After hearing this, yeah, the only Android phone I'd even remotely consider would be a Nexus S. Yeah, you can always root whatever phone you get... but I'd rather not have to destroy my warranty to make my phone function the way I want it to.

It really depends what you're doing with it, I think. I've been through a few office suites over the past few years, and put all of them pretty well through their paces while getting my geology degree.

I didn't know you couldn't get them unlocked in the US. You can in Canada. But you have a good point... with AT&T and T-Mobile merging, the only real point to an unlocked iPhone would be for traveling.

I'm old enough to have been into the Magic Schoolbus BEFORE it was a TV show. I have so many of the books. And yet, I'm only 23. Gawd, arbitrary cut-off Brian... ;) What an awesome series...

Stupid hackers! Stop making 2012 happen!!! :(

Well, just picked up Demon's Souls, so probably that. I'm also working through Infamous, after receiving it for free on the PSN. And I'll probably be playing some Diablo II with my friends at some point. See if we can beat it on Hell difficulty...

Those are pretty fun to do. I did something like that with a friend, comparing vinyl to a CD. I bought a vinyl copy of Opeth's Blackwater Park and Queensryche's first album, and compared them to my CD copies. Obviously, we couldn't control everything (what with the record player and the CD player not being the same

For me, it depends on the application. And that can be simplified to: Is convenience more important than quality, ore vice versa?

Um... what? If you're being sarcastic, that's hilarious. If not, you misunderstood my post. Because, save for the troll stuff, we seem to be on the same page...

Pet Peeves. Hm. I've largely eliminated them. I limit them to any action that threatens my safety, property, or well-being. Anything else... whatever.

Most blogs I frequent have made these sorts of claims about iOS5. That it's ripping off ideas from developers or something. I really don't see anything new or wrong with what Apple has done, unless they're stealing the developers' code. I mean, they hired on the guy who made that jailbreak notification app.

I find it interesting that, only when Apple does it, is it literally the first time an operating system has added functionality that used to come from a third part application.