
I'll never understand how people liked the N64 controller. A full third of it was almost never used in games. The joystick was terrible. There were way too many buttons on the right side. Blech.

Such misguided ingenuity. Pretty clever. But really damn pervy and gross.

Most comprehensive reply ever. I must've missed this earlier. Thank you.

Again, like I've said twice now in two separate posts: I don't text during movies. Once more, in all caps, so people stop fixating on that: I DON'T TEXT DURING MOVIES.

Agreed. Honestly, even when I used Windows exclusively, I'd rarely have a window maximized, unless I needed all the space. So, Apple's take on it works fine for me.

So -if you'll excuse my while I put words in your mouth for a moment-, you're saying that an illuminated cellphone in view during a movie prevents you from seeing the movie? If that's the case, I accept your argument, and will go forward assuming that my eyes are just better at filtering glare.

I'll tell you why: Because people constantly go out of their way to be offended. Things that have literally no impact on their lives whatsoever drive them into rage. From things like "he's ugly, I'm offended for having to look at him", to "he's standing on the sidewalk outside my house, his presence offends me". When

I agree it's self-centred, provided it is actually disruptive. Of that, I'm not convinced yet. If it were, I'd get properly pissed of at people texting during a movie. But I don't. That's because I don't find it even remotely distracting.

A flashlight is dramatically brighter than any phone screen. But, I'll accept your scenario anyway. Really, as long as you aren't shining it in my face, I honestly wouldn't care.

I can't say I agree with this. I'm completely on board when it comes to talking on the phone during a movie. That's obviously disruptive. People who do that are actually preventing other people from paying attention to the movie. It even has the potential to make them miss bits of dialog. But texting, I disagree. I

If I have sufficient money when this is released, I'm getting it (the Wifi version). It's basically exactly what I'd want from a portable gaming system. The physical controls, IMO, already make it a worthy purchase, as opposed to just using a touchscreen smartphone. The launch titles look appealing, the PSP's back

I can proudly say most of those don't apply to me at all. The exceptions being Wikipedia and blogs. Forums can be a time suck, but I don't really post on any one forum actively anymore. Just a few here and there.

I upgraded my RAM from 2 to 4gb a few months ago. The difference was immense. With 2gb, a few more demanding applications running had the potential to slow things to a crawl. Using those same applications, and many more, I haven't been able to even come close to maxing out the 4gb I have now. Literally everything runs

Well this is pretty nice to have. There was about 500mb worth of crap to remove. 495 of those 500mb was from Firefox. The rest was in my trash. Pretty good. Though, something tells me I won't have to run this very often. If it's taken this long to accumulate that little, this won't exactly be regular maintenance for

For a tablet interface, that looks pretty good. Though, that "utter simplicity" is definitely lacking. Watching that video, I had no idea what the guy was doing. That's a pretty rare occurrence for me. I can usually figure out an interface pretty much instantly. Granted, he was going pretty fast. But, those were some

- Don't care about 3D at all.

It's an interesting idea. I'm definitely waiting to see how this pans out before getting a new phone. I'm curious how it would handle content that isn't available on iTunes, though. I do have quite a lot of that (most of which was purchased legitimately as CDs). Would it just store a copy of the tracks on my computer

You know, I agree. I don't have one, and I keep wondering why I don't. It would be hella handy to have, and the back catalogue is immense. However, I will probably just wait for the NGP. It'll be backwards compatible, right? Or, at the very least, will top titles from the PSP be offered for online download in the PS

Yeah, I generally prefer to pay a bit more up front for quality. It isn't exclusive to Apple, though. My friend has had a similarly positive experience with his Thinkpad.

Interesting. My aluminum unibody Macbook will be 3 years old towards the end of this year. Since I've owned it, I brought it to school with me every day, and consistently wore the battery down below 50%. I make no effort to treat it nicely. I literally unplug it when I leave the house, and plug it back in when I get