
PC gaming has gotten a lot cheaper lately. With all the awesome deals on Steam these days, I RARELY spend more than 50 bucks (Canadian) on a game. Usually I just buy games on sale for 10 bucks. And PC hardware really isn't much of an issue anymore. My 3 year old PC still handles everything fine. I've upgraded the GPU

Pretty damn funny, but I call fake. It's way too stereotypical to be real. I also have to wonder how he's getting any search results with this.

This is one of those things that everyone complains about that I completely don't care about. It's a weird oversight, I'll give you that. But, during the 20 years I used Windows computers exclusively, I never cut and pasted a file ever. I never needed to. I'd always just drag and drop. After moving to OS X, my

Seconded on everything. My high school wasn't that bad... started at 8. But, I definitely spent the vast majority of my high school days tired as fuck and barely able to pay attention. I'd still have to get up at 6:30 to catch the bus... the ride to school took a while.

They're effectively going to replace habitually late students with students who sleep through class.

One of my main complaints about the iPhone is the screen size. I just can't type on it effectively. An iPhone with a bigger screen, that might even come close to retaining the dimensions of the iPhone 4, and a dual core processor does sound mighty appealing.

I just turn my computers off over night, and turn them on in the morning. That usually covers all the rebooting my Windows 7 machine requires. I very rarely get messages nagging me to reboot immediately.

I'd probably add "dynamic" contrast ratio. As far as I can tell, it really isn't very meaningful.

Holy crap I want this. Now. NOW!!!!

True enough. Though, I have to wonder if it's really worth having a 1.3mp camera these days. Even a lot of feature phones manage to do better than that. Maybe people would have a use for that, but I can't really fathom it.

They've basically positioned the current nano as a "music only" sort of device. It does a few other things, but it's mainly for listening to music. I have one, and find it fulfills that purpose very well. It's really easy to basically bring everywhere, and is completely awesome for working out. I don't see why they'd

Both. Though, we are a bit lacking in the "daring and new" these days.

This hasn't affected my perception of Sony at all. I guarantee that if Microsoft or Nintendo had been targeted instead, the hackers would still have succeeded in gaining access, and everyone would be geting their hate on for one of them instead right now. I highly doubt any of these companies take their network

A bit of real life death and gore can go a long way towards de-glamourizing war. People don't die all neat and tidy like they do in the movies. The people who are killed in wars aren't just generic, expendable henchmen. They're people. If this is how our countries are going to conduct themselves, we really should be

So, you're saying that, in this case, the definitions of minimum and recommended specs are actually meaningful? I really hope you're right. That would be awesome!

I agree with you... console gaming is a lot simpler. I played PC games basically exclusively for the last 10 years, and picked up a PS3 only recently. It's definitely nice to know that a game I buy will 100% work when I put it in the PS3's disk drive. And honestly, graphics have gotten to the point where I just don't

Crap. I meet the minimum specs, but not the recommended. My processor is insufficient (3.0ghz core 2 duo), and my gpu is insufficient (radeon 5830). Unless this changes, it looks like I'll be getting this for PS3.

I like everything I'm seeing except for the 8gb of internal storage. It pretty much guarantees I wouldn't use the console for anything besides playing games. Though, if that dramatically lowers the price of the console, I could live with it.

Depends on context. For its time, I think the SNES was the best. I know a lot of people who own Wiis and haven't touched them in months, or even well over a year. I don't own one, so I can't really say why. I considered getting one a few times, but it would've only really been for a few first party titles. I always

People should consider exclusive titles if they're interested in playing them. I have a PS3 because it has way more games, exclusive or otherwise that I'm interested in playing than the 360 does. Simple as that. Between my PC and my PS3, the 360 adds absolutely nothing I'm interested in. So, FOR ME, the PS3 is the