
He seems to be a bit of a knob. And he doesn't seem to realize that his own company:

It's a shame, but I think Nintendo emphasized the 3D of the 3DS way too much. It's cool to have, no doubt. But, when that feature sacrifices performance (and price) otherwise, it becomes a harder sell. It's interesting technology, and does look decently cool, but realistically, it's really just icing on the cake. I've

Your normal monitor is 4000 pixels wide? You gotta hook me up!

I agree on the controls. Chest-high-wall combat in particular. "Cover based" shooters. I'm fairly certain they exist to simplify the controls on consoles. That's fine. They work on consoles. But I really hate that it gets translated over to PC games. I LOVE the Mass Effect games, but I actively dislike the combat in

Very well put. I think exerting control over framerates can be used for stylistic purposes. But, as you said, certain framerates just convey certain scenes better. An entire movie at 60fps or something just wouldn't look good, IMO.

Fair enough. I'll have to look for this on my Windows 7 computer. I certainly have enough drive space to be doing some backups.

I've always been amused by how whenever Microsoft "adopts" an idea from Apple, they seem to come up with the laziest, most derivative names for it ever. "History Vault", "Guru Bar", "Gadgets". This isn't a comment on their execution... just the less than subtle naming similarities.

Can't say I've experienced that. But it reminds me of Unreal Tournament 2004. It was right around when PC games were starting to ship on DVDs. I think UT2004 was released on both DVD or CD-ROM... as per the buyer's preference. I was only able to find a CD-ROM version. IIRC, it took 6 CD-ROMS to install it, and a 7th

I'm not really into customizing everything about my browser. I only ever use 2 or 3 extensions in whatever browser I have (Adblock Plus and whatever functionality I deem to be missing). But, I just prefer the interface in Firefox 4. I used Chrome for ages before it (and Firefox before Chrome). Now that they're pretty

2. There are more in the household. We have 6 in the household, but two of them are actually mine. I have a 2008 aluminum Macbook and a self-built desktop. I mostly use the Macbook. The desktop is mainly for gaming and big file storage (combined 2TB of space in it, vs. only 500gb in my Macbook).

Apparently I was weird. Instead of buying a dedicated Nintendo branded plastic Gameboy storage thing... I just put my Gameboy and a few games in my backpack. I never used headphones with it, I never used my lightboy, nor was I ever wanting for more battery power. So really all I needed with the Gameboy itself and a

That's a really good idea! I'll have to look into that... presumably once I get a phone that supports Google Voice.

Well that's pretty ridiculous. I'll admit to having my phone on my nightstand at night. But, I use it as an alarm. I made a profile that completely silences the phone (save for the alarm). So, I definitely have no intention of ever answering an e-mail or text when I'm asleep. A phone call is a different story, though.

There's a threshold. And a big screen needn't equate to a bigger overall phone. And, of course, how the bulk is distributed also matters a lot. The Xperia Arc is pretty tall and wide, but so thin that I think I could deal with the other dimensions. A Droid X, on the other hand, with its weird protrusion... probably

I'm with you on talking, or doing anything noisy or disruptive in a place where quiet is supposed to be a given. I don't answer my phone when I'm sitting in a lecture. And, to the credit of my classmates, no one else does either. But, we'll have to agree to disagree on the texting. When I'm watching a movie, I'm

And here I thought that post would get me nothing but a bunch of pissed off replies. :D

Yes!!! Best article ever. There are so many situations when I'm watching older movies or TV shows, when I think to myself "if cellphones existed back then, this would've ended 5 minutes in".

Honestly, I haven't been offended or annoyed by someone talking on a cellphone for a helluva long time. Save for distracted driving, none of the other stuff matters to me at all. I'd really have to go out of my way to be offended to care if someone is texting at a movie, or if a friend quickly checks his phone while

Well, I live with my parents. PS, PS2, Genesis are in the basement. PS3 and gaming PC are in one of my rooms, both hooked up to the same monitor. When I finally get my degree/job and move out, they're all going in the living room.

At this point, I think Firefox and Chrome are on pretty equal footing. Chrome seems to be a bit faster, but not dramatically so. After using Chrome for quite a while (while briefly trying Safari every time an update hit, and ultimately deciding against using it... and playing with Opera here and there but ultimately