
City of Calgary, take note: THIS is how it's done.

Yep, I'm back to Firefox now. The previous versions were a bit of a let-down for me, so I flip-flopped between Chrome, Safari, and occasionally Opera. As of right now, I'd say Firefox 4 blows them all out of the water. Very fast, nice interface, great tab features, stable as hell... what more can I ask for?

I'm sort of surprised that this even needs to be discussed. Make sure there's sufficient room in the oncoming lane, downshift (if you're in control of your transmission), floor it, and pass as quickly as possible. Sure, there are some pretty terrible consequences if you mess it up. But it's pretty simple... If I was

One could argue that someone in the public eye, like Clarkson, should accept the lack of privacy as "part of the job". But, one could also argue that a paparazzo who makes a living meddling in the lives of people should accept anger and at times physical violence to themselves as part of the job.

I suppose the difference in latitude could account for that. The weather here is... erratic. It was above 0 yesterday for the first time in a while, and now it's back to minus 13. But the next week is supposed to be pretty nice.

As far as article titles go, that one packed soooo many things I like into one: Megacities, the future, giant mechs... :D

Where in Canada are you? Definitely not the case in Calgary. The leaves usually start changing here in late August at the absolute earliest, but usually mid-September.

Impressive. But, honestly, I have a sum total of about 2TB of storage in my desktop spread across a few drives, and maybe 1/3 of the space is actually used. And I watch literally all my TV on my computer. I'd much rather flash storage caught up to current expectations of storage at a nicer price.

Yeah, I bought my PS3 pretty recently for 250 dollars, instead of the 600 or 700 or whatever it was back in 2006. As a result of waiting a while, there's a pretty big back catalogue of awesome games available for it, and most of them can be had for dirt cheap, especially when I can find them used. This is definitely

I've played a few of the Call of Duty games. The original, bits of 2, all of 4, and a bit of MW2. Honestly, the single player experience has always been solid. It's a very intense, visceral experience. When the original came out, no other game could really claim that. But, I still don't really care for the games. And

I suppose that article shows just how much you CAN spend on a console. But... in my case, I bought my PS3 Slim refurbished on boxing day for about 60 bucks off. I got an HDMI cable for 5 bucks, and it's hooked up to my computer monitor. I didn't buy a 3D TV, 3D glasses, a second controller, or a bluetooth headset. I

Man. Microsoft really isn't the "do-everything" juggernaut it once was. Though, I suppose they can afford not to be for a while. Windows is so well established on regular old computers that they're basically guaranteed reasonable success for years to come.

No argument there. Like I said, things are changing. Just not sufficiently for me... yet.

I'm just not convinced a tablet will add anything to my life yet. In all cases, it's either stuff I can do better on my laptop, or with more mobility on my phone. Tablets are still first and foremost consumption devices. That's slowly changing, but not to the extent that I actually want one yet. Maybe by the time the

Sure, why not.

Hehe. I do.

Well, I'll definitely be waiting for a Thunderbolt audio interface now.

Yeah, I agree. If everyone else wants to surf Facebook or play WOW or whatever, I really don't give a shit. If they do poorly in the course as a result, it's their fault. If they can do well in the course while not paying attention in class, great. I don't find them distracting at all. As such, it isn't my business.

Either you're pretty young, or you were using some older versions of Mac OS. I did in my junior high days... iMacs running OS9. Ugh. Terrible. Absolutely terrible. Most unstable piece of crap ever. Made Windows 98 look amazing. OSX has definitely changed that, though. It took quite a mental leap for me to be able to

Ok, now I have a reason to hate the new layout. I goddamn hate spiders. And what do I see when I have a look at Gizmodo? A giant fucking spider. Great.