You are projecting a lot on a very neutral and straight-forward headline, friend.
You are projecting a lot on a very neutral and straight-forward headline, friend.
I’m not sure I’m sensing any snark from Aimée. We may be projecting our own expectations onto this headline, lol.
I think we’ve all been so trained by headlines to feel something along the lines of outrage and/or snark that we’re reading into some intent by the author that may not actually be there.
To all the commenters over on giz: see this is why you can’t be writing shit like this at work. Whether you agree with what he said or not, it’s a liability for the company.
Not simply white cishet. One who had ‘affairs’ with his staffers (such as would not be tolerated, today). Again, as last night, I love the Jezebel writers (Hannah, I really do) but Jezebel is supposed to be, to some degree, a feminist website. Not every article needs a feminist critique. Agreed.
That was way more than nothing!
Oh come on. You can’t do that to Freida. She has legit concerns. I’m super afraid that all this will come back to bite Issa in the butt if she doesn’t do something to tell that principal to stop being such a dick.
I was just talking about Junior Seau’s suicide with my father last week. He was someone who both of were fans of when I was young. It hurt to see it brushed under the rug.
The first comment thread in this post is a bunch of anti-trans bullshit. So let me say this, fuck all of you who think that trans people are out here “tricking” you. The end.
I’m really going to need people to realize that trans women are women that are susceptible to specific types of gendered violence and must be protected. There is no excuse.
Oh Lord have mercy, Frodo (Elijah Wood) is taller than him and Elijah is tiny at 5 foot 6. No matter what some short guys will tell you, there are plenty of them who have chips on their shoulder the size of the Rock of Gibraltar and will act shitty to women in particular because they think their height is more of a…
You can hashtag all you want to, boo - the problem is not actually that dude is short, it’s that he’s being unnecessarily sh*tty.
Oh, boom. There it is, then.
LOL. I’m glad you like the herpes sore comment. I meant it. In the most horrible way possible.
Yeah, maybe you did.
Lush was one of the best bands of the 1990s, and certainly the best shoegaze band of that era. Led by inimitable…
#TeamLawrence better take that L. I been saying Bumrence was a f-boy masking as a good/nice guy since the beginning, but commenters wanted to argue me down. But it came from Mrs. “he needed someone to support his dreams” aka Tasha herself. Haha