
This is why there should only be one world title, with a champion alternating programs every couple months between the two shows. There are now nine titles, counting the cruisers, between Raw and Smackdown. Tonight’s show didn’t even have room for all of them. Intercontinental and U.S. should be the permanent titles

Well, that should finally get Roman Reigns over.

Flip flops are for beach and pool situations only, maybe a (very) quick errand. If you’re not in a place where’d you be cool lounging around in just a bathing suit then you should not have flip flops on.

I’ll never forget the time I was boarding a flight and a guy had flip flops on and apparently Athlete’s foot as well? I’d never seen it in person until that moment, ugh.

And now I will disappear down a rabbit hole of YouTube videos of players avoiding being tagged out. Farewell.

I think Pewdiepie was attempting to do some sort of social commentary about people being willing to do anything for $5 (and then expected them to refuse). But obviously they don’t speak English. I think it was super awful to use people with not many socio-economic options to make that point though. Because those kids

Felix is 27!!! He’s 27 and he still acts like this!

Yeah! He’s not alt-right! He just spouts alt-right talking points and has a huge alt-right following that he has made no substantial attempt to distance himself from! But that doesn’t make him alt-right!

I’m going to go out on a limb here and just say I’m confident a 30 times Pulitzer prize winning publication is not losing sleep over kids with webcams.

As I recall PewDiePie didn’t apologise for being offensive but more the classic “I’m sorry YOU’RE offended” line every amateur “comedian” trots out when they get caught.

Props to him for responding to requests for comment. If nothing else, he’s recognizing it as the chance to tell his side that it’s always been.

Kjlberg put that Fritz tweet as his banner picture because clearly he’s a stable and mature young man who understands the nuances of racial humor and not just another in the long line of emotionally stunted white baby men unable to handle the slightest bit of criticism.

I mean, he thanked some alt-right Youtubers like Sargon of Akkad under one of his videos for sticking with him. The flak he got was well deserved.

Part of me feels like this is somewhat in part that they are millennials (hey, me too) and also have never had a “real” job outside of social media. They’ve found an AMAZING way to make $$$ that circumvents all the Baby Boomer nonsense their parents and that generation have been spouting, and they have no idea

Yup. Let this be a learning lesson to fellow conservative women. Ms Lahren did everything right to be a cool girl, she was one of the ‘good ones.’ She stepped out of a line and all her bros went, “I don’t know her.”

I’m still trying to get the Breath of the Wild cuccos to attack me but they are much more patient that other Zelda games.

I wonder what Butera did with his other two wishes.

Guess that is one way to get the starting job.