
That’s what I’ve been betting on is some kind of riff on Zahn’s original Thrawn Trilogy with Dark Force Rising “lost” space fleet and resurrected Emperor/Dark Jedi Clone following the Last Command.

As far as putting women in charge in my opinion Rian Johnson still fucked it up. Why is Laura Dern’s character a Vice Admiral in an evening gown the whole movie? Also why is General Organa back in a dress after being in more military style clothes for TFA? These are just 2 simple visual cues that are so obviously wrong

Thanks for the word of the day! Inchoate.

I love everything about this post and you have covered all my concerns about episodes 7,8,9.

You’re seriously equating the Salvation Army with North Korea?  

The donations where to the Salvation Army and the Fellowship of Christian Athletes not the Klan.

This must be the reason why Gawker or whatever lefty click bait blog site keeps hamming Chick-fil-A about donating to “hate groups” but never naming the actual organizations.


You sir are my new hero.  All the stars to this comment.  I’ll throw in some wars too.

I always hated the idea of pooling tips. I bust my ass for the shift and have to put my money in with everyone else’s fuck that.

If you have a morning or early shift after a late night of drinking or living the restaurant life possibly not. Especially, if the next shift is determined as a slower time for your restaurant and the server is not expecting much of a return vs investment of getting beautified.

Usually the question has to do with how busy the restaurant is because expected tips can be gleaned from menu prices and average bills at tables. Affluence of the area also gets taken into account.

Easier way to say this Barry was 11 at the time and had a crush on Iris before he moved into the West house.  So not weird as if they were say 5 and spent a decade plus living together.

Your point and the onscreen chemistry between Oliver and Felicity is just blech. Same with Iris and Barry the actor’s have no chemistry.

Answer me this what bothers you more the locking up psychos for 9ish months with no trial before figuring out the prison thing or the fact that the Flash’s superpower can defeat any villain at any time, but because “reasons” he doesn’t.

Digging a little deep on this injustice aren’t we?

Since a large portion of people (especially young people) no longer watch NBC, ABC, or CBS on a regular basis that means that shared cultural experiences that shows like Friends, The Office and Seinfeld have in abundance ;now, have more cultural cache than almost anything made in the last decade. And the generation

God I hope Abrams is cribbing off Zahn’s The Last Command for 9.

It was an indoor practice.  

Yeah I wonder how Pete’s dad would feel about that rant..........