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Sing the national anthem? He doesn’t know the name of the national anthem. He’s like the hype man at a hip-hop concert — just there for emphasizing.

The guy admits he did it, and it’s still an “apparent racial gesture” to the Worldwide Leader.

This is just fucking stupid.

I wonder whether the Lakers would ever consider trying sign this fellow.

Have the Knicks looked into this strategy?

Not at all sad that I didn’t know this off the top of my head, but thanks, I guess. Now I’ll always have this information in my head, so I also kind of hate you.

New level of losing: The Broken Tibia Game 

Nope. Don’t watch. Fuck no.

“I don’t know of any discrimination in the last 150 years.”

Is that the “full tiddies” I’ve been hearing about?

Guys, I’m starting to think playing football might not be the best thing for cognitive function late in life.

In physical attributes and general smugginess, it’s a tie. Harbaugh’s stupid Buddy Holly glasses put him over the top.

Facades. Look. It’s the same letters in a different order. High five, bro.

Maybe you’re right. Maybe Michael Keaton has nine toes. Maybe cilantro melts titanium. Harbaugh’s face is the punchiest.

Something, something ... joke about a mutant using a power to push the Wolverine ... something else witty ... joke about the bourbon and weed consumed today stopping me from filling in the “something, something” parts with actual something.

Full tiddies, indeed.


So this is what “stick to sports!1!!” looks like in the form of a team doctrine. Leave it to the Rooneys and Tomlin to remove from their players the right to choose whether to express themselves.

Is that you speaking in the third person again, KD?