
“We weren’t hiring a line cook here – we were hiring a head coach of the Philadelphia Eagles...”

Last night’s incident marks the second time in his life that Tony Stewart would have been shot by police had he been black.

Mr. Marchman, you seem way too negative here. With 20 staffers, they might be able to produce three or four blog posts a month! It might not match the legendary output of, say, a 75-year old retired person blogging about knitting, but you gotta start somewhere.

It’s good that they sprung for the color ribbon for their Epson dot matrix printer. Classy.

If the whole blogging thing doesn’t work out, they can recoup losses by selling the domain name to the Carolina Panthers.

Any opportunity to shit on the republican party is an opportunity worth taking.

See above. Al has provided canned peaches. No unauthorized cinnamon!

I will always +1 a Deadwood reference.

/crosses fingers

Anyone that disagrees with this...sucks cock by choice!

You’re right. It’s nice that something finally broke that professional football player’s way.

OT: considering they’re bringing back Deadwood in the form of a movie and Jeffrey Jones isn’t exactly employable anymore, do you think they’ll give Swedgin the job of newsman or just give it to Blazonoff?

Schiano - 7-9 his first year in Tampa, 4-12 his second. Basically ruined the team. Gave dudes MRSA, ending a few good players’ careers and launched a few lawsuits.

Smith - 2-14 his first year in Tampa and 6-10 his second, turning the team into a frisky, competitive group, considering how young and raw they were. He

“Fine, Chip. We’ll make sure it’s a White Christmas.”

Chris, I love you to death, but you’re on a slippery ass slope here. You took a bold stand - one that likely cost you your professional career - and you’ve rightfully been commended for that. But where does it end? You could sell your big house in Orange County, move to the Inland Empire, and donate the delta to

“No, I don’t believe the Rams offense existed,” Hayes said last month. “Not even a little bit. With these players, it’s crazy because man has never seen the Rams offense, we can agree on that, right? But they know exactly how to put an offense together? I believe there is more of a chance you will find a team in L.A.

I bet he still believes in God, though.

Do Junior Seau and/or Dave Duerson appear as themselves in the movie? I pretty much just skim the news, but I swear I read that they were busy shooting a while back.