
Puja, On your review of the Making A Murderer series, I’d just like to throw a small suggestion your way in regards to how your review was written, and a couple other notes.

I’m a Manitowoc, WI city resident, and I’d like to point out that the law enforcement agency responsible for what you see in the series is the

This will almost certainly put him at odds with former teammate and notorious crip Wes Welker.

Wow time sure does fly. I remember sitting on my couch, young, unmarried, jobless watching him win the Heisman. Now 18 years, 7 pro bowls, a Super bowl ring later, I’m sitting on my couch, old, unmarried, jobless, reading about his retirement. Life sure does come at you fast.

I haven't seen a bigger asshole since Sasha Grey.

Well...2015 was a good year for twats aggressively forcing their opinions onto other people.

I’m just kidding. I...I don’t have a job.

So basically what you’re saying is this family is the IRL McCoy family from Friday Night Lights

First Kyle transfers. Then Kyler is considering transferring. If Kylest goes, it’ll be really bad.

He meant that in terms of hygiene not in terms of poor sportsmanship. They wear the same damned pair of underwear day after day.

Are we sure that kid was a Special Olympian? A lot of New Englanders are inbred to the point of looking like they just made an extra withdrawal from the chromosome bank.

Psshh. Typical lazy athlete. Chopping onions when HE SHOULD BE PLAYING BASKETBAW

What a teaching moment! That kid will ALWAYS remember that night he didn’t get paid for being in a shoe commercial.

Headline updated for appropriate gravitas:

Normally they would, but because it was in Mexico, the exchange rate is different.

Super Mayo Boy saves the day by calling the police!

This black guy thinks you’re working with outdated generalizations of what “black people” do and don’t play.

I worked for CSC for a long time. Casey was a great anchor, and Dan had a great sense of humour.

Well now I look like an asshole. At least I didn’t wish to live in a world without springs or zinc

Roses are red

Gre’Shonda Morton can't melt steel beams.