
It’s completely punk rock to tell asshole millionaires to FOAD.

It’s a good thing hardcore bros like yourself with awful taste in games stick around to tell em what’s up. 

Totally barking up the wrong tree there.

Typical America, separating minority children from their mothers.

“Another classic three-goal effort” — Harry Kane

Getting to second and third base because someone isn’t fully aware of what’s going on is fine in baseball. Don’t try it in any other circumstance.

It is a shame that one bad decision has ruined this promising judge’s career.

News of a man dying on a little league field was especially terrifying for Danny Almonte’s family.

Interesting, I never felt like the combat was tight enough, personally. I deliberately upgraded all the skills first that would allow me to end open combat as quickly as possible, i.e. the perk that lets you start a fight with a full agression bar, and the perk that lets you chain kills. Using weapons with poison or

I haven’t played AC since maybe the one set in America? And even then I grew bored of it pretty quickly. Is AC:O different or just more of the same?

They basically followed the Dark Souls formula, just made it easier. It’s basically a formula for gold...

I hope they keep the combat from AC:O. At first I didn’t like it, but it really grew on me. AC:O is the first AC game that I put more than 80 hours into, I really couldn’t put it down.

I will personally help you through any area of the game if you happen to ever pick it up on Ps4 or switch. No joke - feel free to bookmark this comment if at any point in the future you want to engage in jolly cooperation.

I wish more people knew what students with EBD were like. My boyfriend worked as an aide with exclusively one student who in the same month threatened to stab everyone with scissors (all scissors were removed from the classroom) and threatened a female classmate with something he shouldn’t have been able to even

I think some of what pisses people off in regards to this particular case is how we label brown and black kids vs white kids.


Same here. I play on easy even if I played games from decades. Im always willing to try but getting stuck and try to find exploit or wikis about how to past certain boss is not the way I like to play. Im done with prestige and I just want to have fun. I try the Soul serie and I didnt like it but I enjoyed many other

I’ve sort of swung the opposite way as I have aged. I look foreword to boss fights more because they tend to be more unique encounters compared to facing endless waves of fodder and such. I hate the games that use trash mobs to make their bosses more difficult though.


Good for you. You sound like a good teacher, one who will to live up to the title.