
Pretty damn good list! There are certainly better beef and dog places then Portillo’s, but they’re all over and pretty good.

That price sounds about right to me, too.

Talk to me when a Republican Senator says that. That’s the moment I’m waiting for.

Do you think she *can* read newspapers?  I think the odds of that are 50/50 at best.

He’s working on it, though

From companies that will find any possible excuse to deny your claim?

You guys answered this question, without Jason?

It’s not the inspection - it’s the warranty.  Backed by the factory, so it’s a real warranty, unlike the bullshit that 3rd party warranty companies sell.

So, you haven’t been to Houston, I see.

Yes, it is.  I’ve been in many Chicago skyscrapers like that - a lot shorter than the Hancock.

I feel like there was an opportunity missed - for a Gharlos Cosn Kinja account...

He’s taking about energy storage. Which is an issue for electric cars that they’re still working to overcome.

Yes, because storing all that air in the car really weighs it down.   

Yeah I feel like it should be all the way there for that price.

Not a problem.  They’re all lightweights anyways.

Do these pods fit into the regular Keurig machine?

No, but Joe West, Angel Hernandez, and C.B. Bucknor do

I think somebody needs, at the very least, a refresher on risk/benefit thinking from his watch commander.


Well, then, clearly you and your dealer “get it” - and that’s great. Hopefully you sell more specialty cars and make an extra buck out of it, and others learn to do the same.