
I’m 66 years old. I became a feminist when I was 5, and my older sister was told she could “join” a model airplane club my father belonged to. She could pay dues, but not attend meetings or meet because she was a girl.(My father promptly “unjoined” that club!) I’ve been waiting 61 years for today.

My favorite definition of “progressive” is “agrees with me on all issues that I consider important to being a progressive”.

Being a progressive means you hate Hillary? That’s news to me. I thought being progressive means fighting for progressive issues, not creating a purity test of which of those issues are necessary to be considered progressive.


Aye hard counter to a RoadHog.

I’m starting to really like Zenyatta. I managed to be awesome with him the last match, using his Ult to make sure we didn’t lose our captured point to a last push.

I love when Martha plainly states she is in a bad mood right around 00:50.

“There is a video of it not happening, for crying out loud.”

I mean, you fuck one goat and they call you a goat fucker.

I like that when anytime someone uses SJW in a derogatory manor, you know right off the bat what kind of person they are and can ignore everything else they say about whatever it is they’re bitching about.

Old, white, retired career Army officer here (infantry)...I do not see ANY partisan aspect to this photograph. It’s a non-problem, and it will fade away pretty quickly.

Is belief in equality partisan?

Yes. Mainly because that’s completely and obviously different.

Wrong. That’s communism. I learned the difference when I was in 5th grade. Why haven’t you?

Intolerance of intolerance is not intolerance.

But that didn’t happen, did it? We’re talking about a Trump supporter denying a Bernie supporter help. Could the same happen if it was the reverse? Certainly. Would most Trump supporters do the same that this guy did? Likely not, because they’re probably not assholes. But trying to justify this because the possibility

Most people would prefer some evidence of all the wild accusations you’re throwing around against a third party.

A forty year old isn’t young and naive, and is fully capable of making their own decisions about who they want to be in a relationship with, be they male or female. They’ve been together for 15 years, just let them live their lives.